Saturday, March 13, 2010

Obama Justice Department shut down ACORN probe

Don't worry, folks, it's just your normal Chicago-style political thugocracy. That is why I inserted the OBAMACORN logo into this post. It is the symbol of the Obama-ACORN alliance, and what could keep us from ever having another election that isn't tainted with the corruption, and leads right back to the man sitting in the Oval Office.
"These documents reflect systematic voter registration fraud by ACORN," said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. "It is a scandal that there has been no comprehensive criminal investigation and prosecution by the Justice Department into this evident criminal conduct."

He added, "Given President Obama's close connections to ACORN, including his campaign's hiring of the ACORN's Project Vote organization, it seems rather obvious why Attorney General Holder has failed to seriously investigate these and other alleged ACORN criminal activities."
FBI documents 'reflect systematic voter registration fraud'

By Chelsea Schilling

Posted: March 12, 2010 ~ 12:45 am Eastern

© 2010 WorldNetDaily

A nonpartisan, political watchdog group announced today that it has obtained documents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation detailing federal investigations into the alleged corrupt activities of Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN.

Judicial Watch revealed that the documents it acquired reference serious allegations of corruption and voter registration fraud by ACORN and the Obama administration's decision to shut down the criminal investigation without filing criminal charges.

Included among the records are two complaints filed in October 2008 by Lucy Corelli and Joseph Borges, Republican Registrars of Voters in Stamford and Bridgeport, Connecticut, respectively, during the 2008 election year.

Corelli reported that on Aug. 1, 2008, her office accessed 1,200 ACORN voter registration cards from the secretary of state's office – of which, 300 cards were rejected due to "duplicates, underage, illegible and invalid addresses." She said the invalid cards "put a tremendous strain on our office staff and caused endless work hours at taxpayers' expense." Judicial Watch reports Corelli claimed the additional work caused by ACORN corruption cost $20,000.

According to the documents, Borges stated, "The organization ACORN during the summer of 2008 conducted a registration drive which has produced over 100 rejections due to incomplete forms and individuals who are not citizens. …"

Borges reported that ACORN even registered a 7-year-old child to vote by using a forged signature and fake birth certificate claiming she was 27 years old.

The FBI and Department of Justice opened an investigation. But Judicial Watch noted that the Obama Justice Department, while acknowledging that ACORN had engaged in "questionable hiring and training practices," closed the investigation in March 2009, claiming ACORN had broken no laws.


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