Thursday, August 06, 2009

Where's the evidence? ~ By Joseph Farah

By Joseph Farah Posted: August 06, 2009 1:00 am Eastern © 2009 The cacophony is growing. There is a din of media outrage being expressed. Pundits and talking heads are losing their heads – not to mention their cool. Over what? It's not health care. It's not cap and trade. It's not even whether Barack Obama thinks black people are always right and cops are always wrong. It's whether the man sitting in the White House for the last six months is constitutionally eligible. About three months ago, some of you will remember, I set out to make this happen. I launched a billboard campaign with just this goal in mind – raising the visibility of the story, which had been all but forgotten because of the bailouts, the stimulus packages and the government grab for power under the new regime. "Where's the birth certificate?" was the campaign. Many of you criticized me for the choice of words. Yet, you bought up the bumper stickers by the tens of thousands. You erected the yard signs and held up the rally signs at tea parties. And you supported the billboard effort with financial contributions. Do you recognize what has happened in such a short time? You've made this an issue! This is why everyone can't stop talking about the "non-issue" of the birth certificate. One day Hawaii officials swear they inspected it. The next day, they deny it even exists. One day the hospital where Obama claims to have been born is sporting a letter to that effect. The next day the letter disappears and the hospital won't confirm his birth there. One day the official gatekeepers of the non-story insist he was born in one hospital. The next day they say it was a different hospital. None of this is supposed to worry us. We're just supposed to go along with the changing facts and accept that a higher authority has determined the truth for us. One thing that is severely lacking in all this late discussion of the "non-issue" – where's the evidence? It's a simple question. Where's the answer? I was interviewed by a big magazine this week. One of the questions I faced was: Where's the evidence for my position? My position is that Barack Obama has not proven his eligibility. The evidence for that is quite simple and self-evident – he hasn't. If he has, please show me. [CONTINUE READING]
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