Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Whoever Controls the Story, Controls the World ~ Video by JJ McNown on Fortis Media

From JJ McNown's description of his video on the Fortis Media youtube channel:
Death and Life are in the power of the tongue.

To paraphrase, death and life are in the power of the MESSAGE. What message? Any message.

Whoever controls the world’s prevailing narrative essentially controls the entire world.

People’s minds, hearts, behaviors, emotions, and beliefs are shaped by what messages they are exposed to. If they are exposed to lies, they are more likely to believe them. If they are exposed to Truth, they are more likely to receive it. If they are exposed to messages of joy, they will be more likely to be joyful themselves. If they are exposed to messages of depression, they will be more likely to despair.

Friends, the things we say and do have CONSEQUENCES. For wrapped up within our every word and deed is the potential to administer either life or death. Peace or chaos. Joy or sorrow.

I think you’ll really enjoy this video,

Yes, JJ, I KNOW they will really enjoy this video!

Over the last two months, I've been posting a lot of videos from JJ McNown, and the Dan Bongino Show. I remember seeing this video by JJ way back when I first started my surge. I just took it as a message from the Lord that I needed to get rolling on my blogs, which I did, but had never posted this great message presented by JJ McNown. But anyway, when JJ is explaining how the OTHER side is trying to control the narrative, I realized that it is something to motivate us, to do our part, to get out the pro-America and Liberty message.

Whether it is on our blogs, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and anywhere else where you can share the Patriot narrative, we need to do so. Except now, with this Chinese Coronavirus plague upon us, it is more important than ever.  They are flooding us with their propaganda, and meanwhile, giving us data that isn't accurate, which makes it all the more difficult to mitigate the spread of the pandemic.

Just watch this video below, and keep up with my blog posts as much as possible, share the information, make it go viral; just do something. JJ is right. Watch this!

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