Friday, April 24, 2020

Stop This Madness Now! ~ Ep. 1235 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Dan Bongino Show's description of this episode on or in his Show Notes:
In this episode, I address the outrageous comments by these two liberal lawmakers regarding the failed lockdowns. I also address new information regarding the deep hole John Brennan is in for his role in the Spygate scandal.
There is obviously a very good reason why The Dan Bongino Show is as popular as it is. He has such an amazing amount of passion in his research and what he talks about. This episode is a prime example of that passion.  Dan had my full attention, with the blinders on, right from the ringing of the bell by Joe.

The knives came out early in this episode. First, we get to see what a dope that Governor Andrew Cuomo is. The arrogance was seeping out of him like a very, very ripe banana being pealed. What type of person would say the things that Gov. Cuomo said to a reporter, on video? That a person can go get an "essential" job if they are unemployed? It's enough to bake my bagels, for sure. But then, Dan gets extremely passionate about the affects on people's lives because of the shutdown. Yes, I'd say, for good reason. Our bagels weren't just baked; they were nuked. Dan is right, that the people that made the decisions to close down our economy, leading to the unemployment of around 25 million people (so far); decisions that were not in the least bit thought out.

Well, look, I know some people out there reading this blogs don't always have the time available to watch all of the episodes, from beginning to end.  When Dan is discussing Spygate, sometimes, it can get very overwhelming, especially if you aren't familiar with all of the names of the people involved.  Long-time listeners of Dan have been familiarized with many of the players in all of the Spygate hoax to remove the President from office.  That being said, Dan has a pretty good segment about one of the major dirt-bags involved in the Russian Collusion hoax that you really don't want to miss.  You'll find out why it may be time for John Brennan, the CIA Director under Barack Obama, to panic.  Was Brennan the puppet master, as Dan asks?

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