Monday, April 27, 2020

What Did the Obama White House Know & When Did They Know it? ~ Ep. 1236 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Dan Bongino Show's description of this episode on or in his Show Notes:
In this episode, I address the stunning new revelation about this key Spygate plotter which could implicate the Obama White House. I also address two new fake news stories being pushed by the media which have been entirely debunked.
This is Monday as I write today, but this show was from Friday, April 24, 2020.  I usually get these Friday shows into the posts over the weekend, but I was checking out some other stories and posted them, too.  Along with that, I was enjoying the comradery with like-minded Trump supporters on Twitter.  Though I didn't get to writing this until today, I actually watched the show on Saturday, and again tonight. 

It was more difficult than usual to pick out the segments to cover, just because the entire episode was loaded for bear, as always, and was a great episode from beginning to end. But, as usual, there were several segments that caught my interest the most.  One in particular was about John Brennan, and the fact that he was getting unvetted intelligence, and possibly providing this to Barack Obama and others, that was steering this country off of a cliff, in regard to the Russian Collusion Hoax.  Oh, boy, as Dan was saying, "Clean-up needed in Aisle 4, broken 'jelly jar'."  Well, golly (said with a Gomer Pyle-like drawl), it would really look bad if, for some reason, actual vetted intelligence was known about that shows Vladimir Putin actually supported Hillary Clinton, because she was "more malleable."  Really, I'm not kidding.  That sure would have made things a whole lot different for President Trump, had there not been this collusion hoax, and a two year investigation by a special prosecutor by the name of Robert Mueller, right?

Finally, in the last segment of the show, a new tough guy of the week is revealed by Dan.  State Representative Vernon Jones, (D-GA), is the guy who announced that he was supporting the reelection of President Donald J. Trump.  This is the one time that I can state that Vernon Jones is a Democrat.  I won't use the word "Demonicrat" in his case.  Well, after endorsing President Trump, Rep. Jones, who is black, received a salvo of vicious insults from the "tolerant" Left, to the point where he seriously considered resigning from the Georgia House of Representatives.  To his great credit, with an amazing amount of courage, Rep. Jones decided not to resign.  There should be more people in politics, from either party, with that amount of integrity. As Representative Jones says in a tweet, "I didn’t leave the Democrat Party. The Party left me."  Hmmm, I wonder if Rep. Jones has any thoughts about switching over to the Republican Party?  Just sayin'...

Please enjoy all of Dan's Episode 1236 right here!

From Dan Bongino's Show Notes:

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