Sunday, April 05, 2020

Ingraham: What is coronavirus doing to us as a people? ~ Fox News Video

Winning the war against COVID-19 must not kill the patient.

The Left is using the Coronavirus Pandemic Shutdown for their advantage, where ever they have a chance. They were able to close gun stores, and churches, and the right to congregate. You have to wonder, would the press be taking this so well, if they were being shut down for whatever excuse the government could come up with? I mean, really, couldn't their 24/7 hysteria cause panic? Or, will it just be the Conservative pro-Trump bloggers that they go after? The left wing mainstream media wouldn't have any problem with that, I'm sure!

But, with all that being said, Laura is a lot like me right now. When we get back to "normal," we certainly hope that it isn't a "new normal" like Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) has been talking about, with a "GREEN new normal," a "transformation of America." Wait, hold it right there. Shutting down the country to save us from the Covid-19 Pandemic isn't supposed to "kill the patient," that being our Constitutional rights.

And, maybe one of the biggest dangers to yet face us is.... Well, the election that is supposed to happen this year. While everyone seems pretty confident that President Trump will be re-elected, it would not surprise us to see a lot of Demonicrat shenanigans going on. Keep your eye on that, folks!

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