Monday, April 13, 2020

'Tucker Carlson Tonight' tries new rapid coronavirus test on air ~ Fox News Video

Dr. Michael Misialek, Associate Chair of Pathology at Newton-Wellesley Hospital, administers the COVID-19 rapid test on Fox News medical contributor Dr. Marc Siegel.
Tucker Carlson's segment with the two doctors is so important for us all to see. Why? I think that testing is the ultimate tool of mitigation, and the complete answer to getting the economy rolling again! This really is a "just in time" solution, too. Yes, it's my opinion, but can you imagine how much easier it would be to bring the healthy people back to work, while treating those that are positive for Coronavirus, and getting this economy back much sooner?

I pretty much have the idea that President Trump is right on top of the ideas that can keep this country great; to cure the people with the virus, mitigate the extended affects of pandemic spread, and totally "Trump" the media's forecast of doom and gloom.

Actually, it is the media hysteria that we should be mitigating at the moment, and our great President knows that! Thanks to the fair and balanced reporting by Tucker Carlson, we now know that there is medication that can help people already infected: Hydroxychloroquine, and possible azithromycin to go along with it. And now we also know that a test like what is taken in this segment can be extremely helpful in further mitigation, but even better, to getting people back to work, or also, out of harms way if they test positive for Coronavirus.

I truly think that it's a day to celebrate!  Especially for Dr. Siegel's health!

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