Monday, April 13, 2020

Trump unloads on press in response to Fauci tweet, media coverage

President Trump gets into heated argument with members of press over media coverage of coronavirus and retweet about Dr. Fauci.

Hoooo-RA, Mr. President!

I liked how he handled a belligerent member of the fake news media. You get toward the end of this video segment, where a correspondent, apparently from CNN (I don't know because I don't watch that Fake News Network), and she is interrupting the President, and asking questions and continues to try to talk over President Donald Trump. I'm sorry, but even her questions had a strong stink of biased reporting. The media is now trying to flip the script, to retcon everything that they said the President has done so far, and are now saying that the President didn't act quickly enough.  Wait.... What?

Anybody that has been watching this Wuhan Virus Pandemic story knows that when it all began, "China lied, and people died."  To be perfectly honest, nobody, including the clueless blonde bubblehead from the media, knew for sure what was coming when it got into February, and how are you supposed to prepare?  What, showing that you CARE, by a two trillion-plus dollar SPENDING package, which was more to protect our economic security (which I'm not sure was the right plan, but it was Congress that came up with that idea, to get more votes in November!), that was what Congress did to "prepare." And, oh wait, wasn't it Speaker Pelosi that then decided to hold up that plan so that they could get more of the Leftist Demonicrat agenda into the bill?  That's a rhetorical question, because she did that, and mostly failed.  Just sayin'...

UPDATE ~ 19 APR 20:  It was a fake news correspondent from CBS, Ms. Paula Reid.

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