Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Can’t Miss Video Fireworks at the Presser ~ Ep. 1227 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Bongino Show's description of this episode on or in his Show Notes:
In this episode, I address the explosive video from the Trump press conference, where he annihilated a false narrative. I also address an interesting story asking the question “do economic shutdowns work?” Finally, I address an article from 2017 that we all should’ve paid attention to, now that we know the dossier was fake news.
The mainstream media lies, and people died.  How can anyone really believe any of the reporting from the legacy networks and news media outlets, especially when they have rude, disrespectful correspondents like Paula Reid, who covers the White House?  Ms. Reid was rudely interrupting President Trump as he was trying to answer her question.  Her vitriol was oozing as she spoke over the President, continuously.  Really, is anybody buying the Fake News stories that we've been experiencing? 

And it isn't just Paula Reid that is so irritating to me, as Dan Points out, but just the plain fact that the media keeps trying to retcon even their own stories, like the one about Joe Biden's alleged assault on a woman that had worked for him, as in the New York Times tweet that was deleted.  And even the fact that the NY Times even admitted that the Joe Biden campaign had contacted them about the tweet, to which they complied and deleted it. Wait.... What?  Dan will explain that incredible hypocrisy in this great episode.

One of the problems for the Leftist Governors and Mainstream Media right now is that people are locked down, and have the time, and will be making the effort to actually drill down on the various stories of their efforts to keep people locked up in their homes.  It is truly repulsive what some states are doing, Michigan being one, based on actual data that doesn't quite match up with the mostly unconstitutional measures being taken.  That will be explained in one of the blocks which may be a little over the heads of most people.  Don't worry, though, Dan Bongino would make a great college professor, he does very well in explaining the correlating of statistical data.  You won't be bored during that explanation, even if you didn't have any college courses in Statistics or Sociology.

You will enjoy this episode, and while you're watching, I'm going to start watching the next one. I'm doing my best to keep up.  I like Dan Bongino, but I am NOT doing these blogs for him.  It is for you.

Some of Dan's News Picks from the Show Notes:

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