Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Gutfeld on the future of the coronavirus debate ~ Fox News Video

On The Five, Monday, April 6, 2020:
Right now, American is prepping for a huge battle over who was right about the pandemic.
The Covid-19 models were far over the actual figures. Like Greg says, that may not have been a bad thing at all. Well, other than taking away our great economy, most of our freedoms, and probably causing much more grief than we should have had.

You do know that stress has very bad health affects, right? That some people would resort to alcohol and drug abuse to get them through this? That suicides are up? You do know that, right?

Then, maybe, it's time to get people back to work! And, maybe get some people out of the house. A little exercise and Vitamin D from the sunshine. It's what we need right now. Oh, and a whole lot of praying, and Faith! Yes, get the churches back up and running! That would be great at this time of need. That could be the Gorilla Glue we ultimately need that helps to hold the fabric of civilization together, and bring this country back to being great... again.

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