Saturday, April 25, 2020

Ingraham: Let's start testing the data that justified the lockdown

From the video description:
First, we were told millions could die, then we were told those models were bad. We were told the virus was far more lethal than the flu. Now, we know it's likely to be closer on a really aggressive flu season.
How many times have left-wing Demonicrats, and even some Republicans, and their willing sycophants in the mainstream media, been wrong already? Remember Nancy Pelosi holding the rally in Chinatown in late February? Remember when they were all calling President Trump a xenophobe and racist when he stopped travel to the U.S. from China? And it was not President Trump that ordered the lockdowns. That was left up to the Governors, and some of them didn't act soon enough, or when they did, they went overboard and took away a lot of our rights (for our safety, they said).

The data has been skewed since the beginning. Now, with testing (when necessary), they find out that the lethality of Coronavirus was far less than they first suspected, not knowing that many more people had caught the virus than thought.

And one more thing. The long lasting lockdown. Enough already. And those "experts" at the CDC that are saying there could be another wave in the Fall... What do they know? Yes, I'm sure that wave will come just before the 2020 Election on Nov. 3. The CDC and scientists do NOT know for sure, and you can take that to the bank. They seem to always be wrong (chumps!). Just like everything else in life, there is no certainty in the future, especially with the Wuhan Virus Epidemicrat Shutdown of 2020. And I swear, if they don't soon open up the economy, I'm going to start using a word that I've coined: It is Faucism!

I'd rather count on what President Donald Trump says: WE WILL BUILD IT AGAIN!! That is something I truly can believe in.

They Fell For the Hoax Again! ~ Ep. 1234 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

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