Thursday, August 06, 2009

Then So Be It... I'm a Birther

By John Kubicek August 5, 2009 There is no doubt in my mind - EVER - that God leads us to doing what we need to do when it is His plan. I have had that experience over the last few weeks, where the directions my life has taken have lead me to new destinations, and not part of my plan, but because of His plan for me. I can give testimony to that, as what I thought I would be doing just a month ago has completely changed. The changes in my life plans came upon me from influences from outside of my own control. And I know God had a very big part in how things are working out. And with that being said, I want to do what I can to explain, and to answer your immediate questions, the first one being, "what do my personal life changes have to do with the overwhelming world events that I want to write about?" Let me start with when I wrote, "Don't Give Up" back on July 26. I had this feeling that day when I was writing. I knew that something was happening in my mind and my heart that seemed to be lifting me up, and getting me out of that rut I was in. Of course, much of what inspired me that day came from the music video that Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush had produced... and the many, many times that I have watched and listened to and shared with the people that I love. I don't know, maybe it was those words that Kate sung, "You worry too much." Or, maybe, it was when I realized that I was just a "crumb," something that could possibly be misconstrued into thinking that I was "nothing," but believe me, I think a lot of people out there actually got the point, as the comments I received has confirmed. The one thing I had learned from these last few days was, let your heart not be concerned, God has it all under control. We worry too much. [CONTINUE READING]
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