Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hopes and Changes: Are we getting what we deserve? ~ By John Kubicek

In this piece, I just wanted to make sure that you know that all is not lost. It may actually be a blessing. There are things you can do to make up for mistakes you've made in your life.
The hopes and changes that we will face in the coming years will surely happen if you do nothing. I am asking you today not to let that happen. I know that everyone of us can do something. We will only get what we deserve, despite how people voted in November 2008, if we do nothing.
By John Kubicek

Posted: April 28, 2010

What is harder than accepting all of the mistakes we’ve made in our lives? Stay tuned, I’ll do my my best to tell you. I will need to give you some background first, which will provide the basis for my thoughts that I want to get across.

Not much more than a week or two ago, my previous computer bit the dust. Despite my heroic efforts to sustain it’s life, I had to put it down. It was a very sad decision to make, but it was the most cost-effective choice, at least according to the “death panel.”

I am now working with a brand new companion. He’s not a clone of the old 2002 Gateway. Nope, but the precious goals and aspirations of the previous machine make up the genetics of the new guy, my constant companion made of circuits and gadgets.

In the process of getting acquainted with the technology of this newest century, I learned something. I found out that the learning curve is exponential: The more you learn, the faster you learn… But I digress.

In my haste last week to finally get my new computer going, I had attempted to write a column here, only to have it lost in cyber-space, due to my own incompetence. As a normal human, I get used to doing things one way, and then, things CHANGE. Not good. Change BAD. Or so I thought, until just a day or two ago.

CHANGES in things as we know them give us just two choices: 1) Lay down and die, or 2) DEAL WITH CHANGES!!! Was that clear enough? So I had to start getting used to a new computer. No, it was not easy. But I adjusted, and learned what I could. And I am sure I will continue to learn more! I am dealing with what was handed to me, and not by my choice. I had not hoped for change, but I took option 2 and dealt with it.

And guess what? There are things that many people had hoped for, and voted for, and yes, they are getting the changes… And I am pretty sure that people aren’t getting the changes they were hoping for. That is why I asked above, “What is harder than accepting all of the mistakes we’ve made in our lives?” The hard part is how to deal with our mistakes. Those that voted for Obama and now feel sorry for their decision now have to deal with it. The good news is that there IS a way to deal with it. It’s called the TEA PARTY MOVEMENT!

A week ago there was an outstanding column by Phil Elmore that you need to know about that may help you out. And if you are reading this column, then that means you probably have the means to take the actions that Phil talked about. You can join Twitter, Facebook and start a blog. None of it is that hard to do. For those that have a few more advanced skills, there is youtube and other sites to upload videos to. You can make a difference.

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