Friday, March 18, 2011

Obama's visions of China ~ By Erik Rush

Thirty years ago, I could perhaps see young conservatives having certain doubts over liberals' claims that it was preposterous to think a cyclopean, socialist state was in the offing – but not now. Thirty years ago, I was one of those young conservatives, and I had already seen and experienced many of the evils progressivism had wrought. How much more human suffering have Americans endured at their hands since then?

And how much awaits us in the future – when people such as Obama attain the kind of power they really want?

Erik Rush confirms Victoria Jackson's statement that there is a communist in the White House. Erik goes one step further. He tells of a New York Times article on March 10, 2011 that says, "Mr. Obama has told people that it would be so much easier to be the president of China." And why is that such an incredibly scary statement to be made by the President?
As one blogger put it, "Of course it would. Then he could just slaughter those disruptive Gadsden flag-waving tea partiers," pointing to how that hero of Obama cabinet members, Mao Zedong, slaughtered 70 million people to get the other 700 million to fall in line. How wonderful it would be if Obama could only operate entirely without restraint!
Should the commie-in-chief happen to win re-election in November 2012, by appearing to move to the center to nullify the worries of many Americans that may be thinking that Victoria Jackson is correct, he would then have free reign to do what he wants to without having to worry about re-election in 2016. (Or, then again, maybe NEVER worry about re-election! One of those things Obama could do with one more term would be to follow in the footsteps of his Venezuelan mentor, Hugo Chavez, and virtually become President for life. By hook or crook, Obama would just need to get the 22nd Amendment repealed.)

Of course, some people that read my comments above or Erik's column will think that this is all very far-fetched. I would disagree. There are honestly too many things that we really do not know for sure about Obama, just for the fact that he refuses to allow certain records become public record. However, we do know who he has surrounded himself with, not just while in the White House, but during his entire life, as Erik mentions. Many of his actions as President so far would also give us a clue, too. At least I know that I am not the only one who believes that the speculative projection of Obama's future actions, to the detriment of America, are plausible.

Obama's visions of China

By Erik Rush

March 17, 2011 ~ 1:00 am Eastern

© 2011

Our Creator gifted human beings with moral freedom (that being the ability to choose between good and evil) with good reason. Those reasons were His own, but since they would initiate an entire theological discussion, I won't get into them here.

America's founders reasoned that establishing a nation that observed the sanctity of that freedom would be of the highest moral good. This is why the American system of governance, though not perfect, is superior to those that have come before or since, and why this nation has enjoyed so many blessings. It gave rise to social, technological, industrial, economic and, yes, spiritual advancement and the ability to share those blessings with the rest of the world.

Up until about 40 years ago, this was also the conventional wisdom among Americans.

Those who find fault with the premises concerning the motives of God and the founders will, of course, disagree; likewise for those who subscribe to the propaganda of America's ideological opponents, which maintains that the United States has simply prospered through predatory, opportunistic associations with less technologically developed nations and our imperialistic designs. This line of reasoning is inane and was originally part of the doctrine of our foreign enemies. Once progressive elites did away with classical education and critical thinking, the inane was readily adopted by wayward Western minds – including those of millions of Americans.

This is, by the by, the worldview with which President Barack Obama was raised. An avowed communist mother and father, a card-carrying communist in mentor Frank Marshall Davis, communist employers in the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) and others, and assorted Leninists and Maoists in such people as Van Jones, Valerie Jarrett and Anita Dunn in his employ pretty much verify Obama's political alignment.

Obama didn't even spend his formative years in the U.S.; his teenage years (in Hawaii) were whiled away under the tutelage of Davis, who hated America and was a Communist Party operative in both in Chicago and Hawaii. Obama attended Harvard and allegedly Columbia, and ultimately moved to Chicago to learn how to "be black" and pursue Saul Alinsky's Marxist model of community organizing.

This, from his earliest days of social consciousness, had always been his objective.


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