Monday, March 07, 2011

New U.N. treaty in the making? ~ By Henry Lamb

Carroll County and Amador County, Calif., have terminated their contracts with ICLEI thanks to local organizations providing information to newly elected commissioners. Tea-party and 9/12 groups are joining the battle across Florida and throughout the nation.

Progressive proponents of Agenda 21 and so-called sustainable development are fighting this backlash with their usual "denigrate and ridicule the messenger" tactic. When the facts are learned, however, those who honor the Constitution and individual freedom reject Agenda 21 and the sustainable development it prescribes.

There is no shortage of well-documented information on this subject. The organizations listed have excellent resources on their websites. When this new treaty is advanced, it will be important to nip it in the bud as quickly as possible. It will take an army of well-informed patriots to kill it. Let's get prepared.
Patriots, tea-partiers and 9/12ers, I urge you to pay close attention to this latest column by Henry Lamb. In this edition, you will learn about "Agenda 21 and the sustainable development it prescribes." Henry explains how a U.N. conference to be held in Rio de Janeiro in 2012 will be trying to push more freedom-killing environmental agenda on the world, "all designed to strengthen global governance and tighten the noose around the people who still believe in individual freedom and free-market capitalism."

New U.N. treaty in the making?
By Henry Lamb

March 05, 2011 ~ 1:00 am Eastern

© 2011

Editor's note: Listen to this column online.

Next year will be the 20th anniversary of UNCED (United Nations Conference on Environment and Development), the largest collection of environmental zealots ever assembled. For the celebration, the U.N. has again designated Rio de Janeiro to host the UNCSD (United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development).

There is no way to count the dollars that have been wasted over the last 20 years by people attending thousands of U.N. meetings around the world, all designed to strengthen global governance and tighten the noose around the people who still believe in individual freedom and free-market capitalism. The U.N. Commission on Sustainable Development is but one of many U.N. organizations and agencies that conduct multiple international meetings each year. Last month, U.N. meetings on sustainable development alone were occurring 22 of the 28 days somewhere in the world. This U.N. Commission is responsible for implementing Agenda 21 across the entire planet. They have been exceedingly successful.

For the past few years, this Commission has been conducting regional meetings every few months in preparation for the 2012 blowout in Rio. This 20-year anniversary party is expected to produce an even larger crowd than the 1992 event, and many U.N. watchers believe that it will produce a new treaty.

This is not idle speculation. Folks who dare read the U.N. mumbo-jumbo illustrated by A/RES/64/236 from March 31, 2010, will quickly recognize the meaning of Article 20(b), which says: "The Conference will result in a focused political document."

What is a "focused" political document? To advocates of global governance this means a legally binding U.N. treaty. This effort has been under way since at least 1998 when a draft "Covenant on Environment and Development" was circulated by the United Nations Environment Program. Just in case the advocates cannot generate sufficient support to get a treaty or a covenant adopted at the 2012 shindig, they will be able to call the "focused political document" a plan of action, until they can build more support, and thus avoid the appearance of failure.

Skeptics who refuse to believe that sustainable development has anything to do with the U.N. should examine RIO2012, one of many official U.N. websites that promote sustainable development.

The concept of sustainable development has permeated all the agencies of the federal government and is washing across the nation, infecting state and local governments.

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