Sunday, February 28, 2010

Free ice cream for all! ~ By Patrice Lewis

Patrice Lewis explains the dangers of "free ice for all!" Once people become dependent on the welfare state for all of their needs, they will no longer be willing to try take personal responsibility for their own well-being.
I fear a day of reckoning is coming when it won't just be the availability of ice cream that dries up. It will be a whole lot more. Our benevolent and generous government will be so deeply in debt that we will implode under the cheerful, happy – but entirely immature and unrealistic – promises of free ice cream for all.

God help us when that day comes.
By Patrice Lewis

Posted: February 27, 2010 ~ 1:00 am Eastern

© 2010

There's a story that circulated the Internet in 2008 about a third-grade class that held a mock presidential election to teach the children about the real election. Two kids – Jamie and Olivia – were selected to be candidates.

Jamie's speech was a thoughtful analysis of how he could make the classroom a better place if he were elected. He received enthusiastic applause.

Olivia's speech was more concise. "If you vote for me, I will give you ice cream."

Needless to say, the class went wild. Upon further questioning, Olivia could not explain who would pay for the ice cream. The class didn't care. They were 9 years old, after all. They just wanted free ice cream.

Apparently Olivia didn't care who would pay for the ice cream, either. All she cared about was getting elected. She expertly manipulated her classmates, dancing them like puppets on strings. She knew she could make empty promises, give no accountancy of how those promises would be kept, and win. She was right.

Does this sound familiar?

One year into his administration, Obama has become an expert at manipulating his childish classmates … er, supporters. He promises an endless stream of ice cream with no accountancy of who will pay for it beyond a vague "tax the rich" mantra.

I believe an ice cream mentality is a sign of immaturity. We expect third-graders to vote for free ice cream because 9-year-olds don't understand economics. But mature people know that someone must pay for the ice cream. This is known as TANSTAAFL: There Ain't No Such Thing As a Free Lunch. Ladies and gentlemen, it's you and I – the hardworking citizens of this country who are desperately clinging to whatever employment he can find – who will be paying for the ice cream, along with generations of our descendants. And, I might add, receiving very little of it ourselves.

John Stossel's column "Hurtling down the road to serfdom" explains the obvious: "If government relieves us of the responsibility of living by bailing us out, character will atrophy. The welfare state, however good its intentions of creating material equality, can't help but make us dependent." This, Stossel adds, shouldn't be controversial. Or as I'm fond of saying, it ain't rocket science (except perhaps to liberals).


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