Wednesday, June 24, 2020

This is Not About Statues! ~ Ep. 1283 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Dan Bongino Show's description of this episode on or in his Show Notes:
In this episode, I address the real reasons the radical left is tearing down our culture and inanimate statues. I also discuss the bombshell news about General Flynn and the involvement of Barack Obama.
If you haven't yet seen or heard this episode yet, now is your chance.  And it's time.  Time to watch this?  Only if you want to know how YOU can make a difference.  Seriously, you probably want to skip Dan's opening monologue if you don't want to know how you can do something to help turn this country around.   And I do know how that can be a difficult decision to be involved with politics.  There's your job and your family that you are going to have to give consideration to, those things will have an influence on how much you can be involved.  Well, I have a story about that which I should share with you.

Back in 1984, I had gone to the Republican Caucus here in Iowa.  I met some awesome Conservative Republicans at my precinct Caucus.  Because I was outspoken at that Caucus, they elected me to represent the precinct at the County Republican Caucus.  That was an honor, but unfortunately, I was a little bit defunded at the time while between jobs, and I didn't even make it to that County Caucus.  But that wasn't the end of my opportunities to be involved.

At some point later in the 1980's, I met a guy that got me in touch with the County Chairman of the Republican Party.  I was asked to run for the State Representative ticket in the upcoming election.  No other Republican had put their name in the hat, and there was a reason for that.  The incumbent was a Demonicrat that had that seat for eons.  She was a local attorney.  A flaming liberal, but that was never mentioned in the social circles.  While I was deciding, I talked to family members that were attorneys, and was advised to stay far away from that campaign.  The Demonicrat lady who was the incumbent representative was known to be very viscous, and did I want to play that dirty politics game?  Well, that was very intimidating, and it is part of what Dan was talking about a lot in this episode.  Think about that, though, while I wasn't ready to do it, why weren't there really well known businessmen or other Republicans willing to take on that Demonicrat?  So, I can definitely understand why people don't try to get involved.  The intimidation factor can be very daunting.  As Dan mentions, even having a Trump2020 bumper sticker on the car you drive to work in can get you in trouble.

Now, thinking back, especially after hearing what Dan was talking about in that first segment, why I didn't step up to the plate is the explanation for why so many people with far more qualifications than I ever had, never did it either.  We probably wouldn't be so bad off now had any of us made an effort to change things by being involved.

So, now, you can watch this episode, and have those things to dwell on.  Oh, and in this episode, Dan will also tell you why the "MOB" is also tearing down statues of abolitionists, and our Founders such as Jefferson and Washington.  It's not about eliminating the mentions of slave owners in our history.  It is about something else that you need to be aware of!

But, wait!  If you stay tuned all the way through to the end of the episode, there is some news on the Gen. Mike Flynn case that will be discussed.  Really good news! 

And really, just do whatever you can.  Yesterday's blog discussed that. But I do understand it if you have limitations.  I did, and I still do, except that I am not longer worried about the intimidation.

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