Sunday, June 21, 2020

Race, Policing, and the 2020 Elections. An Interview with Kira Davis and Scott Turner ~ Ep. 1280 ~ Dan Bongino Show

From the Dan Bongino Show's description of this episode on or in his Show Notes:
In this show, I Interview Editor-at-Large from RedState Kira Davis, and Scott Turner from the Trump White House’s Office of Opportunity & Revitalization.
After watching this outstanding Episode 1280, I procrastinated for awhile before I could write this post. Seriously, Dan Bongino, the interview was amazing. (Sending psychic vibes to Dan so he'll read this post!) Both Kira Davis and Scott Turner are amazing. After seeing this episode, I felt like I knew them, from my heart to theirs.

So, when Dan was talking to Kira, the one major take away was, "How do I write this so it doesn't sound like I am a groveling, pandering, kiss-up because the guests are both black?"  Like when Kira's husband was in the store, the incident she was talking about, is exactly the way it is for a lot of folks of the Caucasian race... Some people that I know are that way.  They might as well wear a pin on their blouse or suit, or a bumper sticker on their car, that says, "I'm not a racist. Please believe me!"

So, as a reminder to myself when I wrote this, I've been able to see that President Trump has done far more to unite all citizens, regardless of race or creed, rather than finding ways to divide us like a former President had done.  And when I watched this episode, I was able to notice many of the things that Kira and Scott said that verified that belief.

This is important!

Over time, like about 67 years on this planet, I've learned that Love speaks louder with actions rather than words.  No, you don't have to run for office, but you can support those that do, that are for school choice and opportunity for all Americans to take advantage of our freedom.  Why can't that be done?  What is holding it back?  Those things should be a bipartisan decision.  There should be a lot of unity in accomplishing those goals.  Really, what would make a politician disagree with those goals?  Oh, dear, I could write a book on that question!  Could it be that keeping people in poverty may offer an opportunity for somebody to stay in power forever, as long as they provide enough handouts?  That seems pretty obvious to me, but what I do I know?   Just sayin'...

When you watch this episode, take notes if you have to, there is so much quality information that you can gain!  My deepest gratitude for Dan for having these awesome guests, Kira Davis and Scott Turner, and they were wonderful, and hopefully inspirational to all Americans.  I hope this is a spark that ignites a love for each other. Enough said? Okay, good, watch the whole episode if you haven't already!

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