Saturday, June 20, 2020

The Real Reason Why The Media Wants to Stop the Trump Rally ~ Ep. 1279 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Dan Bongino Show's description of this episode on or in his Show Notes:
In this episode, I address the real reason that the liberal media wants to stop the Trump rally. I also address the dreadful Supreme Court immigration ruling and why it could give the President an advantage when leaving office. Finally, I address the latest efforts by Twitter to sabotage the Trump campaign.
Finally, time to see this episode, and get started on my blog post for today. Today was the first time we've been allowed to visit my dad at his nursing home, who are doing their best to keep everyone safe.  We haven't been able to see him in person for over three months.  We could have done some video thing they have set up, which none of us (me and my siblings) were probably able to do.  Well, I could, but couldn't get a time of the day for an appointment that fits my night owl schedule.  Well, of course, I got started watching the Trump Rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, but then realized I could write now and watch the Trump rally later with my DVR.

One of the biggest takeaways from Episode 1279 was about why the Trump Rally (RALLIES!) frighten the heck out of the Demonicrats.  This first segment came just after the Legacy Box spot at the beginning of the show.  Yes, when Dan was talking about the liberals and "their liberal media arsenal," he was talking about how the Demonicrats work hand-in-hand with their allies in the lying fake news media.   Along the way, he shows a montage of the media talking about the dreaded Coronavirus being spread around like the black plague, and everybody will die, but noting that there is not much discussion about the Pandemic when it comes to the George Floyd demonstrations.  Yes, political campaigning: Bad; and protesting, with a little looting and arson going on: No problem!

Well, I noticed that very distinctly over the last 3 weeks or so, whereas somebody that I talked to today, that only watches just a half hour of news per day on ABC at dinner time, ummm.... not so much.  For the low info voter, I guess you can put it like this:  There is misinformation, disinformation, and actually NO information.

Misinformation is when headlines guide the person to a conclusion that really wouldn't be what the person would get if they read the entire article.  Disinformation is when the news story is totally fabricated, and has untruthful sources.  That's Fake News at it's worst, or should I say, at it's normal?  And if there is a correction or retraction, it is buried somewhere around page 52. And then, you have the worst kind of news reporting (I refuse to call it journalism at all), and that is the NO information kind of news.  That's where you bury the viewers with a bunch of anti-Trump stories, for example, and a whole bunch of fluff stories, but totally ignore stories that aren't supportive of their agenda and narrative.  Like, the liberal news media surely wouldn't want Americans to know that there is a group called Antifa, who is a designated domestic terrorist group now.  The low info person I talked to today, that watches ABC News almost every night, never heard of Antifa.  Imagine that.  But no, can't watch Fox News, because it is just one sided?  I'm trying, folks, really want to get people away from the MSM networks and newspapers.

Okay, I got to hammer this blog home today.  Dominos will be arriving soon, and there's a story that needs to be discussed. The headline: "Mayan calendar predicts end of the world today, claim conspiracy theorists." If that's not scary enough for you today, then go ahead and make sure you see Dan's last segment in this episode.  Oh, and be sure to read the related story I added, which was in Dan's Show Notes.  When you put the two pieces of the puzzle together, it might give you a picture you weren't hoping to see.  So, make sure that if he is still with us, that you wish your father a happy Father's Day today.  Yes, I made sure to do that.  And if we are still around, I'll be getting the interview on Episode 1280 blog up here tomorrow.

And if you would like to, and if you have followed the very good advice of my friend Dan Bongino, please be sure to share this post on PARLER.COM!   That would make me very happy if you do!

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