Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Are We Looking at an Election 2020 Nightmare Scenario? ~ Ep. 1282 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Dan Bongino Show's description of this episode on youtube.com/Bongino or in his Show Notes:
In this episode, I address the potential for a 2020 election nightmare which would tear the country apart. I also address the riots in front of the White House last night. I discuss the latest outrageous media attack on innocent civilians trying to defend themselves.
Dan gets on a roll in one of the segments in the middle of the episode, where he talks about the media attacks on the people that are trying to defend themselves, but are slurred by NPR who said they were the violent extremists, and the fact that the left-wing media doesn't even care that they are lying.  That's definitely a segment that I want you to pay attention to. 

And then, there of course is the 2020 election nightmare that Dan mentions.  Yes, election fraud is one of my highest concerns at this moment.  Especially because of who are opponents are, and they want to "transform" America.  Well?  What else can they say is their platform, besides Socialism is good and capitalism is bad, and that we should all be dependent on the State, and Government is the answer to all our problems, and going to church will get us all killed because of the Coronavirus, but it's okay to go to the weed shop so that you can forget all of your problems?  That it should be the government that is worshipped, and not God?   Yes, so us patriotic, God loving, peaceful and quiet Americans will just comply with the "rules," but it's okay for rioters, a.k.a. "protesters," according to Fake News Media, to go and destroy monuments to our history and heritage?  This whole thing is very troubling.

Sometimes, I actually feel the most free when I am writing these blogs.  Allow me to explain.
Last week, when I was writing my post for Ep. 1278, I had mentioned what I have been doing, and in order to show the courtesy to ask if it was okay, I emailed Dan Bongino, just to make sure I had his blessing. Here is a quote from that post:
This thing I've been doing, writing a blog following all his episodes, can be extremely time consuming for me, but I live for every moment in doing it. But, there is something that I know I need to do: I am going to have to contact him and get his permission to keep doing this, where I embed his videos into the blogs. I don't know if I will get any reply, and I'm not sure if he will grant me the permission to embed his youtube videos. But, I promise, I'll at least make the effort to request the permission.
I sent the email to Dan, hopefully to the right email address.  Well, as I figured, I didn't get a reply yet.  Or, maybe his attorneys are preparing a cease and desist order.  I don't really know.  But, until I hear a resounding "NO!" I will keep on keeping on.  And I at least attempted to make things right.

When I was feeling somewhat gloomy just last night, I found this fantastic "Daily Motivator" from Ralph Marston.  Here is a small portion of the post:
Your time, knowledge, skills and resources are limited. So by all means put them to good use, and do what you can.

Take every opportunity to move life a little bit in the direction you want it to go. Do what you can, again and again, and you’ll find yourself doing a lot more good than you ever could have imagined.

— Ralph Marston
Really think about this, there is a lot of meaning to it, especially right now.  I'm doing what I can to help President Trump get another four years (including a whole lot of prayers!).  I'm doing what I can to help Dan Bongino reach more people. Why?  To help him make more money?  Nope.  There is just ONE reason, and that is because he is fighting back.  I love a fighter.  We're all getting a bit fed up with the Liberal lies and insults from Demonicrat politicians and Leftist media, and the censorship by the Big Tech guys in Silicon Valley.  We all need to continue fighting!

So, yes, I really do love Ralph's words, which are worth repeating again: "Do what you can, again and again, and you’ll find yourself doing a lot more good than you ever could have imagined."  Exactly, and that is what I'm doing, and will continue to, until I'm no longer able, due to health, death, or being put in a gulag somewhere. 

PLEASE watch all of this episode if you can possibly fit it into your busy day.

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