Saturday, June 13, 2020

The Democrats Want You Silenced ~ Ep. 1272 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Dan Bongino Show's description of this episode on or in his Show Notes:
In this episode, I address the fireworks up on Capitol Hill yesterday over defunding the police. I also address the radical leftist’s takeover of a part of Seattle. Finally, I address the continued meltdown of liberal cancel culture.
One of the problems we have with having a rough day is that we don't always realize it is just training so that you can have a better day sometime in the future.  For me, that happened yesterday.  It turned out to be training day yesterday, like a dry run, so that when I went in to be tested for Coronavirus today, it was a piece of cake.  Although, getting the deep nasal swab sounds pretty easy, it was a little uncomfortable.  In my left nostril, especially, there was a spot where they were swabbing that made my whole nose tingle like with an electric shock.  Tears were running out of my eyes.  (I have no doubt that was where the aliens implanted the RFID chip...)  The important thing is, I got the test taken, and it will be interesting to find out the results sometime next week.  It is important for my state, and the CDC, to get the data it needs to make good decisions, if that's the true purpose.

There is a lot to this episode as you will see when you watch it.  For one, Dan's testimony at the Congressional Judicial Committee hearing is something that we can all be proud of him for.  And especially for what he told them.  Dan makes the point, very well, that the hypocrisy of the Left is obvious.  While they are stereotyping all of the police as being bad, they criticize the police for stereotyping (profiling).  Only the Left says that when the police are stereotyping suspects, it's racial profiling.  Yes, they always need to play the race card, don't they.  It's very sad, because a few bad apples can spoil the whole bunch.  Cops are people, too, and a few of the bad ones slip through the system for too long.  There are all kinds of reasons why that happens; our goal is to fix those problems.  Not by defunding the police, or making their jobs so unbearable, that we lose them to attrition at a rate too high to have affective police forces.  I covered this a few days ago; feel free to go here to see that post.  We need to Defend the Police, not Defund the Police.

Obviously, that Antifa take-over of part of Seattle, in an area called Capital Hill, now known as the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (Chaz), makes the present chaos in America appear to be all the more dangerous to this country and our freedom.  I think that Dan would agree, we really need to do something about that, stat, and it will probably take the Federal Government, probably FBI, and some of us would throw in Special Operators, as in SEALS or Delta Force.  Those guys that took over the area are armed, and out-of-their-minds looney tunes.  But, we know, it's an election year, and you'd hear the Leftist media say it was like Waco all over again, but way worse, because it was President Trump that took action.  I get that.  Sadly, that is kind of how politics go now a days.  My advice would be to do it very stealthily, without casualties.  But, I can still see it now, where the SEALS or FBI SWAT teams are blamed for using some kind of sleeper (choke) hold on heavily armed guards.

Yes, things are getting kind of kinky out there, as Dan explains.  The Left wants you to believe that 2+2=5.  You must comply.  Resistance is futile.  It's okay to protest and riot regarding George Floyd's death, but church gatherings of over 10 people will cause a new wave of the pandemic.  They can't keep their story straight, to be honest.  But, don't disagree with them.  Not even if you are on their side, because they will eat their own.  That's what they do on the Left.  That's a little taste of what you'll be hearing Dan discuss in this great episode you can watch this weekend.

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