Friday, June 19, 2020

This is a Disgrace! ~ Ep. 1278 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Dan Bongino Show's description of this episode on or in his Show Notes:
In this episode, I address the outrageous decision to charge the Atlanta police officer, involved in the Rayshard Brooks use of force incident, with murder. I also address the John Bolton book controversy and the Supreme Court’s broken immigration ruling.
We can all be pretty sure that anyone that sees this episode would pretty much be eliminated from the jury pool, to sit on a jury in this case against Garrett Rolfe, the Atlanta Police Department (former) police officer now charged with murder in the death of Rayshard Brooks. In fact, if you are selected for jury duty, be sure to inform them that you watch the Dan Bongino Show on a regular basis, and he is a former NYPD officer and Secret Service agent, and you are quite informed about these allegations against the officers, by a District Attorney that may have brought the cases against the officers for political gain.

No jury duty for you, I am sure.  In fact, if they desire a change of venue because of information on the case is so wide spread, where would you possibly have the trial? Is there a Timbuktu, Georgia, by any chance? Seriously, just in this episode, Dan dispels anything in the DA's case that would lead to a conviction.  I think that if this case ever makes it to trial, the defense attorneys for both of the officers would do well in their case to hire Dan as an expert witness or at least as a consultant.

Another great takeaway that you will get from this episode is the Bongino expose on FORMER Donald Trump advisor, John Bolton. There is a confession that I need to make: I was once a supporter of John Bolton. In fact, I was greatly thrilled with his work while Ambassador to the U.N. (even though I can't stand the U.N.) under President George W. Bush.  But as all this time has passed, and the way he reacted when he left the Donald Trump administration... now? Not so much a fan. Long before I even heard about his book, I began the path of decreasing respect for the man. Ten or fifteen years ago, I probably would have been a little upset that Dan so thoroughly trashed Bolton as he did in this episode. Now, I would say I applaud Dan's honesty for telling us what kind of lying rat that Bolton (another "Johnny B" like he calls John Brennan) really is.

Dan Bongino puts on a great show, every day of the week, plus his great appearances on Fox News and giving Geraldo Rivera constant heartburn, and along with his great interviews he gives us as a bonus.  I'm really looking forward to the one that he is doing this week, which is apparently regarding school choice.  This thing I've been doing, writing a blog following all his episodes, can be extremely time consuming for me, but I live for every moment in doing it.  But, there is something that I know I need to do:  I am going to have to contact him and get his permission to keep doing this, where I embed his videos into the blogs.  I don't know if I will get any reply, and I'm not sure if he will grant me the permission to embed his youtube videos.  But, I promise, I'll at least make the effort to request the permission.

As always, I leave you with his Episode 1278, a day behind as usual, and maybe the 100th I've shared with you here.  Somewhere around there, I would guess.  It's a jam-packed episode that you don't want to miss!

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