Tuesday, June 09, 2020

The Battle Lines Have Been Drawn ~ Ep. 1269 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Dan Bongino Show's description of this episode on youtube.com/Bongino or in his Show Notes:
In this episode I address the insane “defund the police movement” and I debunk liberal myths about policing which are being used to fuel rage. I also address the inside story of the NYPD chaos and the Secret Service’s political fights.
So, there is this little piece of advice that Dan Bongino has for those out there that want to defund the police.  This is being discussed in liberal cities, like in Minneapolis, Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York.  And it isn't just stopping at defunding the police. In Minneapolis, they actually voted to dismantle the police force.  I really think that they should reconsider that proposal.  Doing away with the police force is not going to lead to any great civilization with no crime.  Actually, it would have the exact opposite affect.  Yep, just my personal opinion, based on what I know is true.  There are still unbelievably evil sociopathic people out there, and without any type of law enforcement, it would be total chaos and anarchy. 

There are three big reasons for having plenty of very well trained law enforcement officers:  The police are there to possibly prevent crimes when possible, stop crimes while they are occurring, and investigating crimes that have already occurred.   In this post, I want to focus on explaining and exploring each of those elements, which should help people understand why defunding the police is a really horrible idea. 

In the case of crime prevention, there's a thing called deterrence.  I'm sorry, but anybody that thinks that the criminal thinks about what happens if they get caught, prosecuted and found guilty, and incarcerated, is a deterrent, I would have to say they are wrong.  I know that seems hard to believe.  I couldn't even fathom the thought of being locked up in a cell, for any amount of time.  Of course, now, people are being let OUT of jail because of the Wuhan Coronavirus, so even the thought of incarceration isn't going to deter many of the hardened criminals.  The REAL deterrent to keep a crime from occurring is a police presence.   Police patrols in the squad cars, plainly marked and obvious to the criminals, and even the walking beat patrols, DO deter crime.  Defunding the police would greatly reduce the manpower needed for this element of fighting crime:  Prevention by deterrence.

The next element is very critical to your safety in this world.  Being able to call 911 when a crime is being committed, and having officers arrive soon enough to possibly save your life, would be very beneficial for your health and safety.  Of course, they can't always get to you in time, but they will try their hardest:  Lights, sirens and the whole nine yards.  But throw in a huge manpower shortage, and large gaps in coverage, and you're going to have a very serious problem.  Sadly, there are areas that would see much less coverage than is needed, and that would be in the rougher neighborhoods.  They would suffer the most.   Like Dan talks about in this episode, the police come to emergencies sometimes just to protect the fire fighters and/or the EMTs.  And who is going to direct traffic in the case of accidents on the freeway, to keep everybody safe, including you?

Finally, there is the third element for the need for plenty of funding for the police.  It always seems to be a problem when a crime has been committed, and that hopefully somebody will investigate it.  That could be you, someday:  Wanting justice for a crime that hurts you or a loved one.  Now think about it, if police departments are defunded, and they don't have the personnel to investigate, you'll be left in the dark, with no recourse (except for being a real life Charles Bronson "Death Wish" vigilantes, which you DON'T want!).   Of course, with a lack of funding, and many officers leaving the police departments, you then lose the experienced officers you would want as investigators.  There is only so much they can do.  And yet, you will still want the crime solved, and not become a cold crime.  But no, your police department was defunded, and all the good investigators went elsewhere. 

Now, when I was watching this episode, I heard Dan say that when a crime is being committed, "Who are you going to call, Ghost Busters?"  That hit me on two different levels.  First of all, that is the perfect description of the ignorance of the Liberals, and tells you how little they have thought through their suggestion that the police can be defunded or eliminated.  But the second level, one that I care about, and might mean nothing to you, is my question in the back of my mind:  Is Dan Bongino reading my blogs or tweets?  Just wondering.  I'd be honored if he was.

Please watch this episode if you haven't already.  Let me know if you think I am right, which you can do by sharing the link and tweet(s) I do to promote this wonderful episode.  Thank you, Dan Bongino, for all that you do, and have done in law enforcement.

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