Monday, June 29, 2020

Another Fake News Bombshell Collapses ~ Ep. 1287 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Dan Bongino Show's description of this episode on or in his Show Notes:
In this episode, I address the explosive fake news bombshell planted in The NY Times this weekend. I discuss the tech tyrants outrageous suspension of this conservative superstar. I also address the stellar response to the riots in Oklahoma, contrasted with the explosion of violence and chaos elsewhere.
Of course, I want you to see the whole show, but definitely, you really must watch the first 18 minutes.  Dan lays it out very well, about the danger that this country is in.  What he talks about in this first segment is pretty mind blowing.  These Black Lives Matters protests are a lot different than the good old days, when President Obama was President, and we had plenty of very peaceful Tea Party rallies.  And at that time, the Fake News Media was gaslighting the American public, to believe that tea partiers were racist, because they disagreed with President Obama's policies.  Obviously, that wasn't true.  We were just a rag tag army of gun-toting, bible carrying Walmart deplorables, mostly in flyover country, that didn't care much for Socialism.  But peaceful.  And despite being lied about in the public relations war.

Those times have changed, now.  The Black Lives Matter and Antifa crowds have nothing to lose.  They have resorted to violence.  They destroy property and take lives, if not gravely injuring people, including law enforcement officers.  How long will it be before somebody decides to defend themselves and protect their property, and tragically have to take somebody's life?  Keep in mind that the protestors that are incited into terrorism (because that is what it is), are shot and killed while trying to do harm to private citizens?  Or a cop?

All the while, many police departments in Blue states and cities are told to stand down, or threatened with defunding.  Communist NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio has already began to neuter the NYPD.  And the number of retirements from the PD force are astronomical.  So, without the police around, who are you going to call when there is a life threatening situation?  911?  Well, apparently not in Fredericksburg, Virginia.  But yes, give somebody at city hall a call (if you survive).

I surely hope that people listen to Dan, both with his warning, and what the solutions are. Also, be sure to see the bonus video I'm including below. Tucker Carlson adds some additional details and insight to the situation with the McCloskeys down in St. Louis, defending their property. I assure you, when you see the reaction from politicians, it will bake your bagels.

Be sure to see the
SHOW NOTES for Episode 1287


Tucker: Ordinary citizens stand up as politicians cower to the rage mob

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