Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Why is Bernie Sanders Lying to You? ~ Ep. 1188 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

At the beginning of Episode 1188, Dan explains why Bernie Sanders' spending plan is so large, that Bernie isn't able to explain how he would pay for it. That is because there isn't anyway to explain it, or pay for it! Bernie kind of gets a bit befuddled when he is asked that kind of question. You will see clips of Bernie trying hard to deflect from that "minor" issue with his answers.

Then, Dan addresses "the latest NY Times story which is a clear effort to get out ahead of the growing FBI FISA scandal." Dan translates what they’re really saying. Basically, could it be that it really has to do with the pending expiration of three investigative powers that the FBI wants extended, now in a draft bill? So, if that should be true, the FBI is leaking stories to the MSM, and this time to the NY Times, who then massages the story to make it sound like there was no political motivation for spying on President Trump's campaign and then his Presidency. That's the fake news New York Times that published the story, which Dan covers very thoroughly, and you need to see it!

And then, there's the story about the Russians trying to help President Trump in the 2020 election. That story has already gone sideways.  I would compare that to a story I could make up that would be just as ridiculous: "The Russians forced their 1980 Olympic hockey team take a fall to lose to the U.S. team, in order to help Ronald Reagan win the 1980 election."  It makes no sense. I really doubt that Russia would want to help Donald Trump to become President in 2016 nor reelected in 2020. However, I actually could see Hillary Clinton being a Russian asset had she won in 2016.

Speaking of the Devil (maybe literally), Dan finally addresses a "stunning rumor" about the possible entrance of Hillary Clinton into the Democrats’ race for the presidency, according to Dick Morris. That would require a brokered Demonicrat Convention.  It looks really good for Bernie following the latest Nevada Caucuses win by big margins.  Here's how I see it:  If Bernie wins the nomination for the Demonicrats, his Socialist  agenda will be easily defeated by President Trump.  If Hillary were to take away that nomination in a brokered convention, it will split the Democrats so that Bernie Bros end up voting for Donald Trump or a third party candidate. I think that the Demonicrats lose, either way.

Finally, I must tell you this. I've been faithfully watching the Dan Bongino Show for awhile, and I am learning so much.  But over the weekend, I was thinking, what about all the people that aren't watching Dan's show, and being informed? For too many reasons to mention right now, people need to be able to find the right information. Yes, of course, many of my colleagues on Twitter are very informed, and totally fired up to reelect President Trump.  But, we really need to keep on reaching out, to neutralize the disinformation from the Left's fake news (such as what Dan describes in this episode regarding the NY Times article by Goldman).  Dan is just one of the people that have the ability to give us information that can help to get through what the Left is saying. So, not for me, but for this country, and a definite win by President Trump in November this year, it would really help for you to share this story, and many more of my blog posts, in any way you know how: Twitter, Facebook, or via email; just do it!

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