Sunday, February 16, 2020

Matt Whitaker weighs in on Barr's push back against Trump's tweets ~ Video

Former Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker weighs in on McCabe probe, Trump's tweets on AG Barr, and Michael Avenatti guilty sentence.
There has been a lot of dismay with the Dept. of Justice, and even AG William Barr. It stems from unequal justice, where former FBI Director Andrew McCabe seems to be escaping prosecution for doing the same alleged crime as the accused General Mike Flynn. Gen. Flynn withdrew his guilty plea just last week. Meanwhile, Attorney General William Barr changed the DOJ's sentencing recommendation for Roger Stone, a long time confidant of President Trump.

However, there is a big disagreement between the MSM, and what Dan Bongino considers to be a head-fake by William Barr. Even Demonicrat Presidential candidate Sen. Liz Warren was complaining about AG Bill Barr, and wants him to resign, for changing the sentencing recommendation for Roger Stone, as the original sentencing recommendation seemed excessive.

But, what a lot of people seemed to be worried about, at least in the Trump base, is that Barr hasn't gone after many of the culprits that set up the phony Russia collusion hoax and the phony impeachment hoax. I haven't changed my opinion yet, however. I still believe there will soon be indictments. A lot of the serious indictments may not happen until after the 2020 election next November 3.  Why? The left, both the Demonicrats and their liberal media allies, would claim that President Trump is going after political enemies. This last week may be a preview of that.

Oh, regarding the Michael Avenatti guilty verdict?  Who really cares?

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