Saturday, February 08, 2020

Trump’s Secret Weapon ~ Ep. 1176 ~ The Dan Bongino Show ~ Video

After watching this episode, there was no question that it was the best episode of the Dan Bongino Show that I've seen yet. There was one really excellent idea that I took from it, pretty much right off the bat. President Donald Trump has obviously been fighting back against all of the attacks against him since he was elected. You really would have to be blind to not know that since the day the President was elected on that beautiful day in November of 2016, there were cries (literally, in the streets) from the Democrats (I call them #Demonicrats on Twitter!) to "Impeach the" Well, at least one of the newly elected "Squad" in the House said that. But, Maxine Waters, Al Green, Adam Schiff, and Jerry Nadler were all screaming for it. Anyway, back to the point. The President is fighting back, and that has spread to the many of us out here that support him, and even many of the Republicans in Congress (House and Senate) are actually fighting back.

Okay, why is that so important? I'll tell you why, even though Bongino will explain, but in my own words.  And the President's.  What it means is that we're not going to take the BS any more, and we're going to let the public know about these things that the evil coup conspirators were (are) up to, and we're going to put so much evidence out there on the social media, or we'll just talk to our friends, neighbors, and even relatives, that the public will eventually see that equal justice will need to be served, AND the President will be reelected.

Hey, whether it is ME (the REAL johnny2k), or any other citizen journalist and Twitter warrior, or the prominent warriors in the alternate media and the talk radio show hosts, we do surround them. Okay? Do you see that?  I'm doing all I can to share the Bongino posts, for example. That is my simple part.

But, it really depends on ALL of us participating, and sharing information and informed thought, that will keep this movement moving forward into many generations in the future. I can't say that with enough emphasis. Okay, yes, I'm retired, so I do have a lot more time than most people that are still slaving away. For those folks with families, the time is even shorter. But that is where you have to try to set aside some time, not to watch sitcoms (like CNN?) or the major network news, but to find truly like minded people, and find the information so many of us want to share freely with you, so you will be informed. (Oh, by the way, this is not like the days where we just wanted to see Obama's birth certificate, college records, immigration records, etc.)  That was yesterday, and that is not who we are today and tomorrow!

And that concludes my exclusive review of what Dan is really saying in this fabulous Episode #1176, which you must take the time to watch. Heck, it's the weekend! You can do it!

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