Saturday, February 29, 2020

They Knew the Whole Time! ~ Ep. 1191 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

Dan Bongino does this show, the first of two, from CPAC. It is definitely a loaded show!

There is a worldwide panic about the Coronavirus (which still confuses AOC), and the Demonicrats are politicizing the entire situation. Dan reminds us of the Rahm Emanuel (former Obama Chief of Staff) line, "Never let a crisis go to waste," because that is exactly what the Demonicrats are doing. Of course, Nancy Pelosi is not well equipped at times, with making use of that strategy. She kind of contradicts herself when trying to talk about how the President is handling the Corona virus crisis, as Dan shows us.

Bongino gives another hat tip to @Techno_Fog, who provided a good lead to Dan. It turns out, possibly, that the Mueller probe knew that President Trump was NOT a suspect from the very beginning! And yet, Rosenstein and Weissman, and the rest of the Russian collusion investigators, continued with the investigation, anyway? And made life miserable for Roger Stone, Gen. Flynn, Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, and others, anyway? Well, that is a good reason why it is the Swamp, and that must be drained.

Speaking of Roger Stone, it turns out that the jury foreman was definitely biased. She contradicts herself in questioning. Will this lead to a new trial? That's a good possibility at this time.

Here is a segment that will show the media bias, with the Demonicrats condemning the President for the travel bans. Hmmm, Trump travel ban policies may have helped us keep the Coronavirus from accelerating the spread here in the U.S.

Toward the end, there is a segment that is a must see. Dan says how some people believe that we should do an "Operation Chaos" to get Bernie Sanders nominated by the Demonicrats, and while he respects that opinion, he vehemently disagrees. Dan, along with most of us, believes that Bernie is a clear and present danger. Bongino is not convinced that Bernie would get demolished by the President. He warns, do not underestimate this guy! The media will do it's best to try to erode the great things the President has done, and make Bernie look like the acceptable alternative.

Dan is not in favor of the reauthorization of the Patriot Act, especially Section 215. Watch this part, right at the end of this episode, and decide for yourself what action that you will take. He is urging us to call our Representatives and Senators, and express your dismay with the reauthorization.

So here you go, Episode 1191 coming right up. It is pretty cool to see Dan along with his wife Paula, and producer (Elvis look-alike?) Joe, and even some people passing by the booth, including the #MAGA cowboy. If you saw anyone familiar going by and getting on camera, let them know!

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