Friday, February 28, 2020

Another Disaster for the Democrats! ~ Ep. 1190 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

Because I fell behind this week, I will make this content much shorter today, and just do a little summary.

In his first segment, Dan discusses the disastrous Demonicrat debate from Tuesday night. It was a colossal fail by the various "safe lane" candidates. (What are the "safe lane" candidates, you ask? You will probably be needing to watch more of the Dan Bongino Show episodes to find that out.) The Joe Biden gaffes just don't make him the safe pick for the Demonicrats. Nor is Nanny Bloomberg. How about that guy, bragging about the number of Demonicrat candidates that he "bought," is he the safe pick? Nope. He's gone as a candidate. Then there is Bernie Sanders... Dan reminds Bernie that he should stop talking a Cuba's literacy programs and how good Socialism is. Just sayin'...

Oh, and if you have not yet understood that Bernie Sanders is a Communist, you need to see the Bernie montage that Dan includes at 16:53 in the video. The montage comes from Daily Caller's Greg Price (complete video on Twitter). You will be seeing a lot of this montage in various places from now until the Democrat convention this summer, and if Bernie wins the nomination, right up until the election in November.

Following immediately after that segment, Dan spends a few minutes on "Debunking Liberal Lies on Cuba, by Matt Polumbo. Dan is in "a state of utter disbelief" that dopey liberals fall for this stuff!

Well, finally, the part we have all been waiting for. "Mike Flynn was set up, folks." Dan explains the new angle to the Gen. Mike Flynn case.  Now, as Dan says, those of us that watch his show are pretty fluent in our ability to grasp new facts as they come out.  If you aren't fully aware of the Flynn case, there is a lot you can do to get caught up. One of Dan's good sources is Techno Fog on Twitter. That is a good place to start, and you'd probably also want to get the deeper knowledge from Dan's book, "Spy Gate." So, to hear what Dan's latest inside info is, you'll have to see this segment for yourselves. It's good. It shows clearly how "they all know each other," and "they all have something to hide." This is a good place to start, on Dan's show, if you are interested in drilling down for more information about how and why Gen. Mike Flynn was targeted by the Deep State.

Another Disaster for the Democrats! ~ Ep. 1190 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

[This post is edited to add the fact that this was going to be a short summary, and turned out to be much longer than I expected... for obvious reasons. I went through the whole video another time, and found there really was a lot of information that I am hoping will get out onto the internet, in various ways. And, oh, by the way: That is what johnny2k does.  We just provide and disseminate the information that is available out there, without the fake news liberal leftist MSM filter.]

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