Tuesday, February 04, 2020

EVERYTHING works together for GOOD ~ Video by Fortis Media

Yes! Right off the bat, JJ McNown states how God "Allows what He hates, to accomplish what He loves." After reading that, or hearing JJ say it, some of you may wonder, "how could that be?" I am sure that it is many of us that won't understand those words. So many bad things have happened. So many people have treated you badly. "How can I forgive the things people have done to me?"

And then, along comes JJ McNown, to tell you a story about evil being used by God for good. The Holocaust. It's definitely one of the most evil things done in human history, at least in my mind. And I hope in your mind, too. JJ tells the story about how Corrie ten Boom reacted to somebody that would be so easy to never forgive. Yes, bring your tissues, when you watch this video.

But, here's the thing. There is an amazing message that you may grasp while watching this half-hour video, that may bring you just a little closer to what God wants for you. Imagine, if you've had a falling out with a friend, or a parent, or a sibling, or somebody close to you. And you KNOW they did you wrong. How could a person that should be close to you, hurt you so much? How could I ever forgive such a hurtful thing like that?

In this edition of Fortis Media videos, you'll learn what to do and how to overcome a lot of anxiety. I assure you. But I am not going to guarantee anything, unless you willingly listen to what JJ McNown has to say in this, because that is up to you. The Lord can use every evil for good.

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