Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The Obama Fixer is Back! ~ Ep. 1189 The Dan Bongino Show®

As Dan Bongino always says, "Remember the names," "They all know each other" and "They all have something to hide." One of the names that keeps showing up, over and over, is Kathryn Ruemmler, an attorney, who had been known as "The Obama fixer," in the Obama White House. Like Barry O. would say, Ruemmler "could see around corners and anticipate things nobody else could see." (That may not be the exact quote, but close enough.)  Anyway, in this episode, Dan will give you a background to the swampy Ruemmler activities, and how she just shows up again when it involves some folks who worked for the Mueller witch hunt in the Russia hoax. It just can't be, could it? Out of all the lawyers in the country, and along comes the Obama fixer, once again? I emphasize that Dan is saying that sarcastically.

As always, there are several more very important segments in Episode 1189 that are "MUST SEE (tv)," that you do NOT want to miss! Yes, it gets very critical of Bernie Sanders, who keeps doubling down in his glossing of Cuba's literacy program, and continues to put lipstick on the most evil pig, Socialism, Fascism, Communism and all that Marxist rot. Bernie seems to not realize that literacy doesn't matter when anything those people are "free" to read is Communist/Marxist propaganda! Millions upon millions of people are laying in shallow graves as a result of those murdering tyrants, such as Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Castro and others. With all of the Cubans now living in Southern Florida, if Bernie gets the Demonicrat nomination, you can put Florida in the Trump column next November. Dan Bongino is pretty sure about that. I am, too!

Finally, the episode does end on a sad note. Regarding the death of Phil Haney, it has not been ruled a suicide (up to now, that I know of). Phil Haney was a whistle blower during the Obama administration. You can get the rest of the story toward the end of the video.

The Obama Fixer is Back! ~ Ep. 1189 The Dan Bongino Show®

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