Thursday, March 26, 2020

Tucker: Why are media pundits trying to discredit hydroxychloroquine? ~ Fox News Video

I can not stress enough why paying attention to the news is important. Oh, no, not the mainstream media, because they are just going to keep on feeding us the fake news. As our friend Dan Bongino tells us all of the time, the MSM fake news doesn't tell "the story," they tell "a story." Yes, a story that serves their political agenda. Every time.

Well, Tucker Carlson hit it out of the park on his show last night, in his monologue as described in the title. Just why would the media try to discredit something that works in healing people from severe symptoms of this invisible enemy, the China Coronavirus? Could it be that President Trump described, not prescribed, a medication, hydroxychloroquine along with azithromycin as something we could have hope in? Is the liberal wing of the news media so full of TDS, that they would keep people from getting a medication that could save their lives?

Tucker Carlson asks these questions, and gives his analysis, and it is truly brilliant. If people would watch him and turn off CNN and MSNBC, maybe we have a chance to beat this pandemic. And avoid a coming economic apocalypse if we don't get Americans back on their feet, despite what the moron Demonicrats are trying to legislate us into. Just sayin'...

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