Monday, March 23, 2020

The Leadership We Need Right Now ~ Ep. 1210 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Bongino Show's description of this episode on
In this episode, I address new data from Italy which paints a much different picture of the virus crisis. I discuss some likely permanent changes to our country after we clear this crisis. I also address the suspicious reemergence of the Obama “fixer.”
While the media is attacking the President in any way that they can, guess what?  President Trump is finding the solutions to everything that comes our way in the China Coronavirus pandemic.  And meanwhile, the mainstream media is promoting hysteria, including that the naming of the pandemic is racist because of using China or Wuhan in the name, despite the fact that just about all pandemics have been named after the geographical area they apparently originated in.

Being that it was a Friday when this episode was produced, Dan gave us some things to ponder over the weekend, now since past.  One of those things was whether or not certain FDA regulations would be removed to allow medical treatment of Coronavirus patients by using various medications in an off-label way.  That idea was discussed in two other episodes, late last week.  Have you seen Dan's interview with Former White House Doctor Ronny Jackson in EP. 1209, yet? You definitely do not want to miss that one!

Before I got to doing the blog for this episode, I came across a wonderful story via Twitter this afternoon.  There is a huge success story involving that Malaria drug, Chloroquine, or Hydroxychloroquine.  And from what I heard in President Trump's press conference on Monday night, the FDA is going to allow it's use.  What the President did was the leadership we need right now, if we are going to get through this, save lives, and get things back to more like normal.

There is so much more to this episode than I can possibly expound on, and not take another hour of your time.  So, just sit back, watch this episode, and learn.  I'll guarantee that you will again learn, "They all know each other, and they all have something to hide."  And, by the way, you won't be disappointed by Dan's Fake News segment.  Dan does this episode with the usual flair, and his reminder, to allow 72 hours before the story is even close to being complete.  He applied that rule to the very burly stories about elected officials being involved in insider trading based on intelligence briefings.  Yes, you need to see that segment!

A quick note to my readers:  There has been a serious amount of sluggishness related to my internet service, and my computer, in the last few days.  This has drastically reduced my productivity.  I do apologize, but I am sure most people are having their share of internet issues.

RELATED STORIES (in other words, read the show notes!):

Not in the Show Notes: 

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