Friday, March 27, 2020

At Last, Some Good News ~ Ep. 1213 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Bongino Show's description of this episode on
In this episode, I address an explosive article in the Wall Street Journal about the Wuhan Virus which questions everything. I also address the continued misinformation and hysteria campaigns being waged by the liberal media. Finally I discuss a critical Supreme Court ruling on racial discrimination and a disastrous decision by the Democrat Nevada Governor.

This part did me in. While I absolutely loved the whole episode, and had some really laughing out loud momemts (that's LOL for you youngsters out there), there was a segment that seriously got me teared up and cleared my sinuses, if you know what I mean.  And I seriously hate to admit it when my eyes well up... has to be allergies, or something like that.  No, it was so much deeper than that.  I am here, not knowing if I will ever get to see my dad again.  My dad turned 100 years old in November, 2019.  He is in a memory care unit.  He is in a locked down nursing care facility.  He is used to seeing me and my siblings quite often, and now we can't see him.  Will he even remember us now?  I don't know... what can I say?  It's even hard for me to keep writing at the moment...

So at last, there is good news.  Researchers in the medical world have determined, possibly, that the number of deaths among the infected may not be as high as once thought.  Not when the entire population of an area is tested, and more people test positive but yet show minimal symptoms, and survive the illness.  So, there is that.

Just before that final segment that was somewhat emotional, Dan discussed that disgusting Governor of Nevada,  Steve Sisolak. Yes, he's a DEMONICRat.  He is barring the use of the malaria drug, Chloroquine, or more specifically, Hydroxychloroquine, which President Trump mentioned that has promise.  Should you not at least wonder, why?  I do, and I am pretty sure that most of us know the answer to that question.  Because, that would give the President a win?  Gov. Sisolak, if you happen to see this post, you need to know that you will be held responsible for not allowing a life-saving medication from being used.  As Dan says, everybody in Nevada needs to be ringing his bell... I mean, the phones in his office.  Is that something that I'd want to be remembered for if I was a governor?  Nope, not so much.

Well, pretty much the same advice should go out to the morons in the mainstream media.  Their misguided attacks on the President will be remembered, and probably spoke of in the history books.  And hopefully, in the college "journalism" schools, eventually.  You see, some of us dopey people out here are actually on to you.  Dan Bongino put it very well in one of the segments... You should watch this all the way through so that you see that!

Blessed are those of us that know how to use a flashlight, and can shed light on the truth.

RELATED STORIES (in other words, read the show notes!):

(NOTE: You will have to go to the Show Notes to see the rest of the stories today. It really has been that kind of a day, and I'm sorry. And not all of the stories were really discussed on the show. I just included the stories above that I think you need to know about, if you don't already.)

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