Wednesday, March 04, 2020

The Establishment Strikes Back ~ Ep. 1195 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

In this episode, I discuss the surprising results of the Super Tuesday Primaries and what it means for the General Election going forward. I also address a new liberal effort to crush conservative speech on social media. Finally, I discuss another reappearance of this key Spygate player.
When leftwing MSM publishes news, they tend to be telling not "the story," but "a story." They not only lie, but they also omit what should be "THE story!" Omissions are just as bad as lies!  We sure seemed to be hearing a whole lot about a "stock market crash," but nothing about when it rebounds! This downturn is most likely very temporary, as will be the hysteria about Coronavirus. Like Dan says, though, I'm not an investment expert, (even though I took an Investments class in college, about 45 years ago...)  Anyway, I digress.  Dan reminds us of how the media will ignore any kind of positive stories that would be helpful to not only the President, but helpful to us!

There is something that I need to mention. I've been faithfully watching The Dan Bongino Show® on youtube, and then posting these shows, and my thoughts on them. I'd love to comment on every segment, but then, that could keep people from going to see the video that I embed in the post. I do worry about that. Sure, I'd like to be able to tell you all that I learned in each episode, but I'm realizing that is totally unnecessary.

The one thing that I do want to accomplish by these posts, is to promote Bongino's videos, and stress that there is so much to learn from them. Dan does not have anything to worry about, I'm not out to steal his thunder. No, I just want to make sure that I do my best to AMPLIFY his reach, and make his thunder as loud as possible, to all corners of this country. I'm doing my best, even if it is just a drop of water in a large ocean. The more people that see his videos, the better the chance of a Donald Trump win in November 2020, and a long period of Conservative government after that.

Always remember my pinned post on Twitter:
"I do not need the government to legislate my happiness, or for that matter, my misery!!"


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