Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Is There a Light at the End of this Tunnel? ~ Ep. 1200 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

This one starts with an epic introduction by Dan, when he says, "Alright, this is your daily Coronavirus update... Facts, data, no hysteria... If you want hysteria, go to the Drudge Report. If you want facts, go to the Bongino Report." And then the knockout punch comes, and I love it, where Dan says, without a flinch or even a blink, "Tune in to CNN or MSNBC if you want to freak out, and think that the zombie apocalypse is coming tomorrow..."

From the Bongino Show's description of this episode on youtube/Bongino:
In this episode, I address the continued misinformation campaign regarding the Coronavirus epidemic. I also address the disturbing attacks by Twitter against the Trump campaign, along with the Trump team’s response. Finally, I address the disastrous Bernie Sanders’s townhall last night.
Okay, let's just get one thing clear. If you have been visiting this blog a lot lately, you've probably noticed something, and you may be wondering, why do I blog so many (well, actually, ALL) of the Dan Bongino Show episodes that I have been watching? Peculiar behavior, you say? Well, it isn't. Let me tell you why I have focused on Bongino. It definitely isn't because I have a crush on him. It isn't because I expect any financial reward, which is probably what the liberals think. Nope, there is no financial reward, not expecting any thing in return. No quid pro quo, in other words! Then, why? One, I enjoy his shows. Two, I learn a lot from his shows. Three, I share the videos, with my perspective, and psychologically attractive promotion, so that YOU will watch these episodes and learn what I've been learning! It is that simple, folks.

I'd be sharing all of Rush Limbaugh's episodes, too, but his content is pay-to-see for the most part. I have no problem with that, and I must admit, I pretty much just listen to his show, and though I'm a Rush 24/7 subscriber, I barely have time to use it.

Doing this kind of thing, though, in order to aptly prepare you for what is out there, is what I really like to do, because it is helping me to learn so much. To learn how to get people to pay attention, and also learn, is a skill that I'm working very hard at learning. And, that is a critical function of mine, in the time I have left to be on this planet at above room temperature, because I know that where this country is going, and what our values are, is strongly motivated by having a granddaughter and children, whom I want to always be free. That's all it's about. And I will keep doing this for as long as I am able.

With all that being said, hey, take an hour, relax, and watch the exciting Episode 1200! What a great milestone, Dan! Thank you, Dan Bongino, for all you do!

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