Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Blame at the pump ~ By Herman Cain

This administration's propensity for moratoriums and prohibitions on oil and natural gas exploration right here at home is dramatically affecting the expectations about global supply and demand. It's that simple.

Announcing a study group to determine if oil speculators are manipulating the market to drive up gasoline prices is ill-informed. It is a diversion from the real problem, which is the lack of a real energy independence plan.

Herman Cain explains how simple it really is: "The problem is supply and demand, and expectations about the changes in those dynamics. That's what drives gasoline prices at the pump."

It turns out that the blame should not go to oil speculators or big oil companies, but to the government! Though it's really a "no-brainer," Herman explains the situation accurately, and hopefully, there will be many who will be enlightened - with common sense solutions. I'm just sayin' ...

RECENT COLUMNS by Herman Cain:

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Blame at the pump

By Herman Cain

April 25, 2011 ~ 1:00 am Eastern

© 2011

President Obama recently said that the economic situation was worse than the administration expected when he took office. That's code for "blame Bush" again for Obama's failed economic policies, which have not stimulated the economy. He has chastised the business sector for sitting on more than $2 trillion in accumulated cash instead of hiring people they do not need. That's blaming the business sector for not making stupid decisions to prop up his failed policies. And now that people are feeling the pain at the pump, he blames oil speculators for high gas prices, which are now double what they were two years ago. Remember, that's about the time President Obama took office. And, he says there is nothing that can be done in the short term to ease the pain at the pump. With all due respect, Mr. President, there is something you could do to ease the pain at the pump. Namely, declare and implement a "drill here drill now" strategy. And remove the ridiculous restrictions on shale oil deposits available out West. The very speculators you are blaming for the run-up in gas prices would quickly retreat if they thought you were serious about an energy independence plan to maximize all of our existing natural resources. The problem is supply and demand, and expectations about the changes in those dynamics. That's what drives gasoline prices at the pump.

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