Monday, May 03, 2010

'Love and a birth certificate' ~ By Joseph Farah

When I was watching the video of the White House Correspondent's Dinner, and Obama was trying to be funny about his birth certificate (what he said will be told in the column below), I immediately thought of Joseph Farah, and wondered if he happened to catch that.  Apparently, Joseph heard it, too.

While this column leads off with the story about Obama's lame attempt at humor regarding his birth certificate, it is really about the fact that WorldNetDaily wasn't allowed to attend the Correspondent's dinner, and why it probably happened.  In the following pull-quote that I used, it explains why I've been a loyal WND reader, and why I don't feel I could ever have much faith in the establishment press.
My job is to serve as a watchdog on government and other powerful institutions – a role my colleagues feel increasingly uncomfortable fulfilling.

It is my job to expose corruption, fraud, waste and abuse wherever I find it.

It is my job to point out when the emperor is wearing no clothes – or when he is essentially an undocumented worker.
By Joseph Farah

Posted: May 03, 2010 ~ 1:00 am Eastern

© 2010

You think I'm obsessed with Barack Obama's birth certificate?

How about Barack Obama?

Lately he's been trying to make a joke about it.

He was saying there are few things in life harder to find and more important to keep than love.

"Well, love and a birth certificate," he said. "I happen to know that my approval ratings are still very high in the country of my birth."

The semi-official Associated Press account of the dinner led with this angle, quickly adding: "Obama was born in Hawaii, but birthers question whether he was born overseas."

Do you understand now why WND was the only established news organization to be denied a presence in the dinner Saturday night?

The Associated Press asserts with no attribution, no evidence, no explanation that Obama was born Hawaii. Presumably they also take for granted that his parents are who he claims them to be – again with no hard documentary evidence. Yet, assuming Barack Obama Sr. was his daddy, Obama is no more than a "native-born citizen," not a "natural-born citizen," his father having been a Kenyan citizen and a subject of the United Kingdom.

I would suggest it is my renegade curiosity about Obama's nativity and my general opinion of him as the least experienced, least competent and most radical and most anti-American president in U.S. history that made me and my news organization unwelcome at the affair. The fact that we have filed a $10 million lawsuit against the correspondents association is no more likely to endear me to my colleagues than my maverick style of journalism.

But I don't care.

Not since I was a cub reporter have I considered it my journalistic duty to impress my colleagues.


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