Thursday, May 27, 2010

Glenn Beck's departure from Fox News, Part 1 ~ By Robert Ringer

As always, I haven't used the complete, full text of the column in this post. So, I implore you to read the full column by Robert Ringer.

Being that I have been a follower of Glenn Beck on his radio show for at least four years, and started watching him on TV since shortly before he departed CNN, there wasn't anything in this column I wasn't already well aware of or didn't agree with. However, for you that haven't been following Beck as much or at all, you may not be aware that there is something very special about Glenn. And Robert hits it right on the nose. It is in the part that I didn't copy and paste to this post. And that is why you need to read this and then go read the full column!

I pray for Glenn every day, because I know what he has been doing both on the radio and his show on Fox News. Though I am greatly looking forward to the next part of Robert's series about Glenn, I am afraid I have thought of some possibilities already why he could be departing Fox News. It could be very ugly. I'm always afraid - very afraid - that somebody may not want Glenn to be talking about certain crimes and misdemeanors... And Glenn's current Crime Inc and Global Governance series may be more than some people want the "sheeple" to know. Please join me in praying for Glenn, his family, and his staff, for their safety. Just sayin'...

Video provided by TheREALjohnny2k

Not long ago, Beck came right out and said, "I'm going out swinging." That statement carried with it some very strong implications. Clearly, something has to give.

My best guess? I hope I'm wrong, but I have long had the feeling that Glenn Beck will be leaving Fox News other than through old-age retirement.

How might his departure come about? The way I see it, there are four possible avenues of exit, which I will discuss in detail tomorrow in Part 2 of this column.

By Robert Ringer

Posted: May 26, 2010 ~ 10:01 pm Eastern

© 2010

On rare occasions, a unique figure bursts onto the national stage and has a dramatic impact on politics, culture, or both. Glenn Beck is one of those figures. He is surely the biggest, fastest, most controversial star in the political commentary business in my lifetime.

Beck is a real-life version of Howard Beale, the fictional television commentator in the 1976 film classic "Network." Beale whipped his cultish TV audience into a frenzy, exhorting them to stick their heads out the window and chant, "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!"

Much to the chagrin of the oligarchy in Washington, however, Glenn Beck is not a fictional character. He's real, and he has succeeded in enlightening his audience far beyond Beale's simple rants about the unfairness of life. Beck is much more knowledgeable, much more factual, much more rational and much more focused on the key issue: America's loss of liberty.

I find it more than just a bit ironic that ultra-liberal CNN Headline News gave Beck his first forum on television. There, he created a huge stir with his "rodeo-clown" antics and his willingness to talk openly about his drug- and alcohol-addicted past. But as he increasingly added his political views to the mix, people started asking, "Why isn't this guy on Fox News?"

Of course, Roger Ailes was closely observing Beck all along, and, in January 2009, he brought him to Fox and fit him into the 5 p.m. time slot. While Beck had been moving more and more toward political commentary at CNN Headline News, from the moment he came to Fox his transition to near-total politics was swift.

Combining his incredible talents with the work of his equally incredible research staff, Beck became a household name seemingly overnight. In truth, of course, he had been in media for 30 years, but he had never before had a forum like Fox News.

Beck's show is so good that I'm convinced if a person doesn't watch it on a regular basis, it's almost impossible for him to understand the true causes of the moral and economic collapse of the United States – or even that it is collapsing – because no one else on TV covers most of the stories he dissects in impeccable detail. His modus operandi has been to expose the bad guys through their own words by playing audio and video of them shooting off their mouths and by quoting their writings.

For quite some time now, I have believed that Beck has become so good at exposing the truth, so well-respected and so powerful that the Forces of Darkness in the White House and Congress view him as a major threat to their aspirations to eliminate the Constitution, the rule of law and individual sovereignty in the United States. (In fact, they now refer to him as "the Beck problem.")

But, as I have written in the past, the Obamafia is in a no-win situation with Beck. If its leaders ignore him, he will continue to disrobe Chairman Obama and his malevolent progressive pals through their own spoken and written words.

On the other hand, as they have already discovered, the more they try to discredit Beck, the more attention they draw to him – and the more people will learn about the details of how they plan to fundamentally transform America. Worse, their childish mudslinging is no match for Beck's 60 minutes of hard-core truth five days a week (not to mention his three-hour daily radio show).

So Beck keeps raising the ante, and there is no question in my mind that the oligarchy in Washington sees him as a major obstacle between where they are today and their ultimate goal: a firmly entrenched, all-powerful federal government that controls every aspect of people's lives.

Listening to Beck this past year has convinced me that he senses he has been chosen by a Higher Power to lead the charge against the evildoers in government. If so, it's not the first time God has surprised the world with his choice of a messenger.


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