Thursday, May 20, 2010

Manipulation as 'news' ~ By Joseph Farah

Joseph Farah tells us about how Walter Cronkite had manipulated the news about Viet Nam, and how it may have lead to the deaths of millions in SE Asia after the United States had pulled out of Viet Nam.
Walter Cronkite was a stooge from the get-go. We now know who recommended him as the anchor for CBS News – the editor of the far-left socialist magazine The Nation. We also know what he morphed into once CBS let him go – a whacked-out globalist who sought to persuade Americans to give up their national sovereignty.

Do you think much has changed since then?
By Joseph Farah

Posted: May 20, 2010 ~ 1:00 am Eastern

© 2010

There are lots of people discovering today that "news" is often manipulation.

This is especially true when only a few big corporations control most of the information that passes as "news."

But this is hardly a new phenomenon.

It has always been the case.

I'm finishing up an excellent new biography of American journalism icon Joseph Pulitzer. The man could scarcely decide what he was – politician or newspaperman. But he became the most important publisher in America during his lifetime. And his name still graces journalism's highest award.

And, last week, we learned more about the person formerly known as "the most trusted man in America" – Walter Cronkite.

I devoted nearly an entire chapter to the myth of Walter Cronkite in my book "Stop the Presses!" But the information about his political activism and, later in life, his anti-American political extremism, could fill volumes.

Back in the 1960s, it seems, Cronkite, then the CBS News anchor, actually collaborated with anti-Vietnam War activists, even offering advice on how to raise their public profile and pledging his network's help.

Anyone who lived through the era understands how Cronkite turned the tide of national opinion against the war – leaving untold millions to die in the wake of a precipitous U.S. withdrawal and a congressional cutoff of aid to anti-communist forces.

But what we didn't know was just how far Cronkite went behind the scenes to bolster the anti-war movement and manipulate the "news."


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