Sunday, May 02, 2010

Why any doubt about Iran's nuke intentions? ~ By Les Kinsolving

From a White House correspondent, and an old school journalist, comes the news in commentary form that while North Korea's nuclear program is a major problem, Iran's nuclear program is not only a problem, but of extreme danger to our national security. The title to this piece alone - "Why any doubt about Iran's nuke intentions?" - speaks volumes. In my humble opinion, Les is right on the money. Dealing with Iran probably shouldn't be a political dilemma, but a major military and national security issue, for the United States and Israel alike.

Hey, Mr. President, your pal Rahm talks about not letting a crisis go to waste. Isn't the fact that millions of people could lose their lives, here and in Israel, somewhat of a crisis? Or, wait... maybe the real crisis is that Barack Obama has absolutely no clue how to deal with it... Or, wait, maybe the Obama administration has decided that a really good crisis would arise if New York City were to be incinerated. Just sayin'....

The gallant nation of Israel is surely determined through the world's best intelligence service – along with its own nuclear weapons, which it has had for decades – to stop any possibility of another Holocaust by Iranian ICBMs.

That the United States must stand with our one real ally in the Middle East to stop Iranian ICBMing of Tel Aviv, Haifa, New York and Washington surely must be apparent to Obama, who must have some major and secret plan.

By Les Kinsolving

Posted: April 27, 2010 ~ 1:00 am Eastern

© 2010

From the CIA's Weapons, Intelligence, Non-Proliferation and Arms Control Center, there came a report to Congress including the following:

"Iran continues to develop a range of capabilities that could be applied to producing nuclear weapons if a decision is made to do so."

Does President Obama or any member of Congress believe that Iranian determination to produce nuclear-missile bombs should realistically be designated as either "could be" or "if"?

Moreover, how does any such uncertainty about that nation (led by obviously mad Muslims) seem realistic, in view of last summer's defection of Iran's nuclear scientist Sharam Amiri to the United States?

All of us should now remember very carefully how our national government once pledged that North Korea would not be allowed to have nuclear weapons.

What happened to that U.S. affirmation of nuclear non-allowance?

North Korea produced and tested a nuclear weapon.

But North Korea was not punished for this. Instead, we began demanding that they get rid of their nuclear weapons – which, it surely should have been realized by demanders, Pyongyang has refused to do.

Since the North Koreans know of our nuclear-weapons arsenal – which our president has fortunately not (yet) abolished (nor has he responded to pleas of keeping it completely up-to-date) – they have not yet nuked Seoul or any other part of their freedom-loving neighbor, South Korea.


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