Thursday, May 13, 2010

It's government that has 'made enough money' ~ By Erik Rush

If you didn't figure it out back when Barack Obama told "Joe the Plumber" that he wanted to "spread the wealth around," the President is a bit more to the left of being a Socialist. Now he says that at a certain point, "you've made enough money." That should be the evidence you need to verify that the President doesn't honestly believe in prosperity for anyone but a certain few (like employees of Goldman Sachs or Fannie and Freddie). Prosperity for the government, in Obama's mind, is the power that the government can gain by being able to "serve man," and the control over the people that is the obvious result.

For your enjoyment, I found the "To Serve Man" episode at, and have that linked for you.
This comes to mind again when one considers the climate legislation (cap-and-trade) this administration and congressional leaders have in the hopper. It's entirely baseless and has been advanced utilizing fear-based environmental propaganda, but it stands to benefit government hacks and their unscrupulous cronies in the private sector, while economically raping working Americans and small business – so it's very much on the table.
Well, I think at a certain point, you've made enough money.

– President Obama, April 29, 2010
Well, Mr. President, at this certain point, a lot of us think the government has made enough money, although it obviously hasn't come by that money honestly.

By Erik Rush

Posted: May 13, 2010 ~ 1:00 am Eastern

© 2010

On May 11, President Obama announced his nominee for the Supreme Court vacancy being left by Justice John Paul Stevens. As one would expect, due public assessment of Solicitor General Elena Kagan's record, skills and political alignment ensued in the press and cyberspace. Among conservatives, certain red flags went up concerning some of her views.

While the nomination of a Supreme Court justice is a significant development Рparticularly in the case of this president Рmy reaction was what many might call blas̩. Not a big yawn, but close. Kagan's a typical big-government progressive, though perhaps not as far left as the president might have chosen. Other than that, she's just another academic with no dynamic experience in her field.

As much as some on the right may recoil at the statement, Kagan's lack of experience is, in the practical sense, something of a "so what?" After all: this is the administration with no experience in government or business that thinks the government ought to control business.
Someone as gifted as Elena could easily have settled into a comfortable life in a corporate law practice; instead, she chose a life of service.

– President Barack Obama, May 10, 2010
While Obama's little speech was peppered with numerous references to instances wherein Kagan had facilitated the government's protection of the American people from big, bad corporate abusers, my characteristically fertile mind cued in on Obama's very liberal use of the verb "to serve" in reference to Kagan. It wasn't the first time I'd heard him make such references.

The regular reader of this space will be familiar with my occasional use of popular culture analogies to clarify America's various difficulties – so here's another:

In the March 2, 1962, installment of the television series "The Twilight Zone," the Earth is visited by an advanced race of beings who promptly solve all of humanity's most pressing troubles. Thus, the visiting spacemen have no problem enlisting grateful humans to visit their home planet, supposedly an Edenic paradise.

The decidedly disturbing closing scene features a shipload of humans blasting off, as a horrified human translator unsuccessfully attempts to stop them. Turns out he had just finished translating one of the aliens' tomes, a book entitled "To Serve Man."

"It's a cookbook!" he screams after them. It's the last words they will hear from Earth.

My personal spiritual bent places a high value on service; then, there's the writer in me that warily scrutinizes the words people use. In any case, that's the way I have come to view politicians' lofty claims of the high calling they claim to honor in service to the American people.

Truly, their idea of service far more resembles food service than civil service. Perhaps it is the profusion of misrepresentations and abject lies that our president generates that has precipitated my contemplation on this, though Obama is certainly not the only one currently employing that sort of rhetoric.


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