Monday, May 31, 2010

We will remember ~ By Barbara Simpson

After reading what Barbara had to say today, I am all the more convinced that we do not have a man in the Oval Office that cares at all about our military members and veterans. It is quite appalling that BHO is "choosing not to attend the Gold Star Breakfast and the memorial ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery."

Barbara is right, we will remember. We will remember in November 2010. We will remember in November 2012. And we will remember the ultimate sacrifices made by our troops who have given it their all. We will remember them ALWAYS! Just sayin'...

May 30, 2010 — What should Memorial Day mean to Americans?

† † † Don't just celebrate; Commemorate! † † †

Video provided by TheREALjohnny2k

Thank A Soldier

Video provided by MAWRuidoso

But one thing is certain: Americans are watching. They see clearly that what Obama is doing – or rather, not doing – is the ultimate insult to our war dead and their families.

It will come back to bite him politically. Upcoming elections will be affected by such decisions from the administration. They think Americans won't notice and don't care.


They will and they do. Americans are not ready to give up our country for the sake of a politically correct worldview that emanates from the current administration.

Obama's rebuff of our military dead will only serve to embolden Americans of all ages to do what is right and necessary to protect us, even if Barack Obama doesn't.
By Barbara Simpson

Posted: May 31, 2010 ~ 1:00 am Eastern

© 2010

Memorial Day is the day we honor the men and women who died protecting this country. They were citizens who volunteered or were drafted, and who went willingly to fight for their country.

As JFK said, "Ask what you can do for your country."

The people we remember and honor today saw the challenges and dangers facing our country. They asked themselves what they could do, answered the question and then did what was needed by serving in our military.

They all paid an awful price. For many, it was the ultimate price. But for all of them, it was an honorable price.

Their choices and the prices they paid helped guarantee the intrinsic freedoms of the United States for a few years longer.

If a person learns one thing in this life, it's that nothing is permanent, nothing is certain and good things need to be defended and protected.

Freedom is especially fragile and must never be taken for granted. "Eternal vigilance" says it all. That means every generation will be called to do its part – large or small – to maintain the Founding Fathers' vision as they created the framework of law, justice and freedom that is the United States of America.

There are many today who have spent their whole lives in peacetime and prosperity. On the one hand, that's a state of life to which we aspire, but we pay a price. We have become soft and gradually lulled into unawareness that our very economic and social contentment would, and likely will, lead to our downfall.

We are headed in that direction.

Why should we be any different? It's happened before in societies across the centuries, including during our lifetimes. It will happen again and it could be us. Prosperity and comfort lead to complacency which means a people become an easy target for enemies.

Despite the blather from Washington about what words are politically correct to use, yes, we do have enemies. They are staunch enemies who hate us for who and what we are, what we have and what we stand for.

Ultimately we are hated for our freedoms that enable people to reach their individual potential based on their unique efforts to succeed. We are allowed the fruits of our labor.

But over the decades, enemies of our freedoms were the reason our military fought battles and the reason so many were injured and killed.

We honor our military dead today, but this must not be the only time we remember them. We must keep them and their sacrifices ever on our mind as we move into a dark and uncertain future.


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