Sunday, January 04, 2009

Unsung Glory; “To quit my post only when properly relieved.”

That is the Marine Corps 5th General Order, “To quit my post only when properly relived”. It means quite simply that a Marine on post does not abandon it, period. On April 22 2008 two Marines on post in Ramadi Iraq demonstrated exactly what that order means when they stood their ground as a suicide VBIED carrying more than 2,000 pounds of explosives bore down on them. Even as Iraqi Police around them fled, Lance Cpl. Jordan Haerter, a rifleman with 1st Battalion, 9th Marines, and Cpl. Jonathan T. Yale, a rifleman with 2nd Battalion, 8th Marines poured automatic fire into the cab of the truck. The driver was killed, but the “dead mans switch” in his hand detonated the explosives, killing both Marines. Because they refused to run and stood to their post, 33 Marines and 21 Iraqi Police as well as numerous civilians inside the Joint Security Station, an Iraqi Police training facility were saved. [Continue reading]

And here are some of the wonderful comments about this story from my friends at

gbudavid said: A Job Well and Truly done. Thank you and your families for you service and Sacrifice... Semper Fi Fair wind and Following seas. Indyanna said: fta: Haerter’s mother, JoAnn Lyles, her voice breaking, talked of how she had hoped to do something special for his 20th birthday. “We now know that Jordan — Lance Cpl. Jordan C. Haerter — was already a man, a courageous and brave young man.” God bless you, Mrs. Lyles. At 19, your son was more of a man than most. Iccat said: God Bless these men and their families! We are truly a nation Blessed by God to have such young people who without hesitation gave their life to protect their fellow patriots. Contrast their heroic sacrifice for their fellow man with our elitist politician’s willingness to sacrifice the United States and our citizens for their own power and riches. keltin said: Tears are infrequent, but they were there as I read this moving article of bravery and courage. It makes me realize even more the way many of the young people in our country have no concept of patriotism and steadfastness, be it in war or in politics. But a story like this shows me that we do have young men and women who really do know the value of duty, honor and country. The Yale and Haerter families are what is best about our country. blakelylaw580 said: I, too, had to wait until the tears stopped to be able to post this. My husband, career retired military, always tells me that when all hell breaks loose in this country, one of the groups we will be able to count on to do the right thing is the military; this type of story makes me believe that might actually happen. My only negative comment - this happened a year ago; how come we've never heard this before. And yes, that is a rhetorical question.
digg story, submitted by DanThePainter

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