Monday, January 25, 2010

Way to go, Scott! ~ By Barbara Simpson

Commentary from WorldNetDaily
"Predictably, Obama blames George Bush for the Democrat loss, and the pundits regard Brown and his supporters as low-class, redneck, truck-driving boobs. "Whatever you call them, they outnumber the Harvard-educated, self-appointed elites who are hell-bent on destroying this country. "There's a reckoning coming."
Barbara Simpson By Barbara Simpson Posted: January 25, 2010 ~ 1:00 am Eastern © 2010 I didn't say it first, but I agree wholeheartedly. "This one's for you, Mary Jo." Last week's election of Scott Brown to replace Edward Kennedy in the U.S. Senate really was justice delayed for Mary Jo Kopechne, who died at the incompetent hands of the last Kennedy brother on July 18, 1969. Because of money, family and political connections, Teddy Kennedy left the scene of Mary Jo's drowning in the car he'd been driving and proceeded into a historic run as a fixture in Washington. This man, who never held a real job in his whole life, found his calling as a U.S. senator, ironically by completing the term of his brother John, who'd been elected president. When Teddy wanted re-election, he got it – again and again and again – ultimately serving eight full terms. His position in the Senate became "Kennedy's seat," as though it belonged to him. It did, but only because voters re-elected him, as though not to do it would insult the Kennedy name and family. He spent 46 years in office, his votes and legislation changing the United States from a free country to one that's now careening toward Marxist socialism. When Kennedy died Aug. 25, for the first time in decades it was an open race for his Senate seat. But Democrats didn't worry. It was Massachusetts, after all. They figured their candidate was a shoo-in. But something happened last Tuesday in that bluest of blue states, a state securely in the liberal pocket. What happened was that a young, mostly unknown Massachusetts politician, Scott Brown, beat the odds and won election to the U.S. Senate to complete Kennedy's unexpired term. It's poetic justice that Kennedy died before his term was up! Imagine! Democrat pundits figured wrong. Their candidate, state Attorney General Martha Coakley, lost. What made the results historic wasn't just that it was to fill Kennedy's term, but that it wasn't just any candidate who won. It was a Republican! Those pundits were really wrong. READ FULL STORY >
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