Tuesday, January 12, 2010

From Alinsky Defeater's Blog: The Original #OCRA Document

From one of my all-time favorite blogs, Alinsky Defeater's Blog I can not tell you how happy I was to get the link to this page again, because I had lost track of it. Now that I will have it blogged here, I'll always be able to find it now when needed. And I hope this to be a memorable page for you, too. Keep this handy, and be sure to click on the READ FULL STORY link at the bottom. What I'll include on this post will be just enough to perk up your interest. My deepest appreciation to AlinskyDefeater on Twitter!
Organized Conservative Resistance Alliance A Statement of Principles, Goals, and Methodology To the Left: Before I begin, it is an unfortunate fact of political life in the United States today that you must immediately express in no uncertain terms that you are not an “extremist” if you use the word Conservative. So, let me assure you of a few things:
1. We do not advocate violence and we soundly renounce and repudiate any who do. 2. We are not racists. This is the first thing that those on the Left of the political scale always throw at Conservative groups, and especially now that we have our first African-American President. We, like so many Americans, celebrate the fact that America has moved so far from the horrible days of slavery that we can have an African-American President. Disagreeing with his policies is not tantamount to racism. We will not even address this spurious charge from here on unless someone who uses our name behaves in a racist manner, in which case we will denounce such words and/or actions. 3. We do not want the President to fail. We do, however want his present policies to fail because we believe they are bad for America. 4. We are not aligned with any political party and we have no sponsors of any kind. We do not explicitly support or endorse any business or corporation. Obviously, we will not deny that the principles of Conservatism have traditionally been the paradigm of the Republican Party, and that most will probably lean towards Republicans over Democrats, but it is the ideas that matter, not the names. 5. We are not advocating anything illegal, immoral, or even disrespectful towards policy makers. It is possible that Alinsky methods could be used against those that use them against us, but we would prefer not to. 6. We are not conspiracy theorists, although we do not try to limit the free exchange of ideas of any kind. 7. We are willing to engage you on policy, but trolls will be blocked, mocked, and/or ridiculed into submission. In our experience, the Left rarely wishes to engage on actual policy and fact checking. 8. On a topical subject: we are not against people having access to healthcare nor are we just opposed to the Administration’s policies just because they are Democrats. We believe improvements can be made to the current system, but that it the limitation of the free market that is causing most of the problems.
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