Sunday, December 20, 2009

'Tis the week before Christmas … ~ By Henry Lamb

Commentary from WorldNetDaily
Henry Lamb By Henry Lamb Posted: December 19, 2009 ~ 1:00 am Eastern © 2009 'Tis the week before Christmas and all through the land, not a freedom is safe from Obama's hand. Bankers, bewildered, before him now bow, while automakers, thankful, praise his cash cow. With energy and health care nearing control, his grasp on the nation is as he foretold. The people are stirred by his escapades, and are somewhat shocked by the history they made. Obama is not what he promised to be; he brings, instead, tyranny. America's great experiment in freedom was designed by our founders to create a new kind of government consisting of the very people for whom the government was made. The first purpose of this new government was to protect the freedom of the people against all enemies both foreign and domestic, and especially from governmental tyranny. To keep the federal government under control, the designers limited the power of the new federal government to those very specific areas set forth in Article I, Section 8. These limitations are now routinely ignored by both the House and the Senate. The one mechanism in our system of government designed to rid our government of those who abuse the Constitution is the biennial elections. America stands at the brink of a Marxist abyss because Americans have elected a majority of officials who do not honor the Constitution, who do not respect the value of individual freedom, and who crave personal power and perks more than the prosperity produced by free people operating a free market. A majority of disappointed non-Democrats allowed this congressional majority to be elected by staying home on Election Day. If the United States created by the Constitution is to survive, Americans must mobilize and remove the current majority in Washington. Actions by the Washington majority have stirred deep-seated anger and patriotic enthusiasm across the countryside, but there is a very real danger this anti-majority fervor will be splintered. Tea-party activists are battling for leadership while Glenn Beck's 9-12 groups compete for attention. Third-party promoters vie for support in the face of waning Republican influence. This is a guaranteed formula for failure in 2010. Victory in 2010 is not necessarily determined by party label. There are Democrats who believe in the constitutional limitation of congressional power, and Republicans who do not. The challenge faced by voters is finding candidates – regardless of party affiliation – who are strong advocates of the U.S. Constitution, as demonstrated by deeds, not rhetoric. Sadly, many of these candidates labor fruitlessly in third-party campaigns. Rush Limbaugh's advice to third parties is sound: Take control of the Republican Party and make it the party of the Constitution. READ FULL STORY >
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