Friday, December 25, 2009

Gore's traveling green tent show ~ By Barbara Simpson

Commentary from WorldNetDaily
Barbara Simpson By Barbara Simpson Posted: December 25, 2009 ~ 1:00 am Eastern © 2009 The world is ending! We're killing every thing and each other. Ice is melting. Oceans rising. Islands inundated. Species disappearing. Then again, drought sears the earth – probably in places that the melted glacier water can't reach. Oh well. Crops fail and people starve. It's the growing threat of climate change and global warming while people around the globe are hip deep in ice and snow. We're all going to die. Merry Christmas, everyone, and Happy New Year. Oops. Sorry. I guess I'm getting good wishes mixed up with all the political, environmental, scientific and now religious people hogging headlines with gloom and doom. It's hard to decide whether to smile or frown – or perhaps just lock myself in a closet and scream. Then again, If I have to hear Al Gore read his paean to doom again, as he ventures into poetry, I really will scream – and never mind the closet! If he wins a poetry or other dramatic prize for his compilation of nonsense – Neptune's dissolving bones, indeed – I'll know for certain there's no justice and everything is a farce. It's really disgusting that we have to put up with his sanctimonious posturings while state media pander to his ego and all the while the flim-flam man gets richer and richer but we're forced to change our lives to suit his environmental religion. Have no doubt, it is a religion. Gaia is Mother Earth, and the rest of us have to worship at her green shrine. That media treat Gore's nonsense seriously shows that the elevation of extreme environmentalism to religious consequence is real. If you think this "climate change environmental religion" is fringe, forget it. The enviros have assiduously courted all denominations with the goal of putting the stain of sin on any perceived transgression of nature. Yes, it's all about – sin! And Al Gore is the Elmer Gantry of this ultimate tent show! The greens and the media sound like a gaggle of Jewish mothers laying the ultimate guilt trip on the world. Actually, they lay the guilt trip on the Western world. Well, really – on the white world. Environmental acolytes did their dance in Copenhagen where Third-World dictators had the podium to hector the West and demand money. To have the likes of Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe lecturing us about transgressions against nature is ludicrous. This is the man who raped his country, sent his soldiers to kill priceless wildlife with machine guns, bulldozed homes with people in them, destroyed fertile farmland and is starving and bankrupting his people. And he claims to be Catholic. What would Jesus say? READ FULL STORY >
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