Monday, December 07, 2009

Chestnuts roasting on a Copenhagen fire ~ By Chuck Norris

Commentary from WorldNetDaily
Chuck Norris By Chuck Norris Posted: December 07, 2009 ~ 1:00 am Eastern © 2009 Copenhagen is on fire this week, and there's far more heating up than just the climate. While heads of state and others gather this week at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen (Dec. 7-18), bonfires have already been blazing for weeks on that European front. Let me see if I can summarize the chestnuts roasting on that Copenhagen fire. Shocking e-mail exchanges from scientists at an eminent global-warming research center in the United Kingdom have proven that key climate-change scientists have suppressed evidence to "trick" or "hide the decline" of global temperatures. Rather than focus on the audacity of the climate-gate cover up, Obama's top science adviser, John Holdren, downplayed the e-mails, telling Congress that the controversy involved a small group of scientists. And others like Sen. Barbara Boxer blamed the hackers who exposed the e-mails rather than the scientists who deceived the world with false global climate reports. Similarly, the U.N. was caught recently deleting documents that would disclose how member states are leading (or not leading) the way in self-greening efforts. The scientific journal Geophysical Research Letters documented that ice melt on Antarctica was the lowest in 30 years during the 2008-2009, a fact being intentionally ignored by NASA. A U.S. scholar is threatening to sue NASA (see video I have included at the bottom of this column) to prompt the agency to release climate-change data, which he says has been manipulated just like over in Britain. Officials in the Environmental Protection Agency gagged one of their own senior researchers after the 38-year employee submitted an internal critique of the EPA's climate change position. Unlike the U.S., China and India have already opposed foreign climate governance because it would jeopardize their national sovereignty. Nearly two months ago Lord Christopher Monckton, once science adviser to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, warned us that the real purpose of the conference was more about global government than global warming. In my former column, titled "Obama's one-world government," I've already detailed more than a dozen actual statements in the proposed summit treaty that threatens our national sovereignty, could severely cripple our already depressed economy and are so globally socialistic that they would make even a communist blush. READ FULL STORY >
December 04, 2009 - Climategate reaches NASA: Caught manipulating data?
Video provided by TheREALjohnny2k
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