Sunday, October 04, 2009

This week on TheREALjohnny2k - 9/27 to 10/03/09

By John Kubicek I could have said a couple years ago that putting videos on youtube was a fun "hobby." That statement would no longer apply. It is becoming much more than a hobby, especially these days. I've increased the number of videos that I can put on youtube to the maximum extent of what I have time to do in a day. And that is the frustrating part of doing this. Every day, I spend hours consuming and recording news. And yet, I can only put up one or two segments that are just a few minutes in length. There are times when by the time I am to the point of uploading a video, it is usually late in the day for me, and I'm almost too tired to write a description much less come up with a title for the video. So, you see, what I'm able to do to keep the watchers of my channel informed is so extremely limited compared to the amount of information that is out there. I can only hope that those that watch the video segments I share will also be spending time consuming information from all of the other sources that are available. I do my best to expose that tip of the iceberg just enough that those I share my work with will have a greater interest in looking below the tip of that iceberg, and will start seeing more of what is going on in this crazy world. That's my hope. If I may, I would like to tell you something that is pretty exciting. There have now been over 2 million views of TheREALjohnny2k channel! It is increasing by thousands every day. Hopefully, a few people are finding what they're looking for! Now, there's seven great video segments for you to see today. Get busy! Oh, and don't forget, I am the MOB. September 28, 2009 - Barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen... Uh, not exactly! Part 1 Glenn Beck exposes who are the right-wing radical extremists that are a definite danger as potential domesticated terrorists.... Part 1 September 28, 2009 - Barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen... Uh, not exactly! Part 2 Glenn Beck exposes who are the right-wing radical extremists that are a definite danger as potential domesticated terrorists.... Part 2 September 30, 2009 - Glenn Beck's profound vision: Is America breaking down? On September 29, 2009, Glenn Beck had a very special show on his TV broadcast. While I actually had recorded and prepared four other segments of the show to be uploaded, this is the one that I have chosen to upload here today. You may have heard about the 16 year-old honor student that was murdered by a gang of thugs the other day. The young man only became involved and ended up being the ultimate victim of this violent act when he stepped in to try to help somebody else. And it is strange, being that he's not only black but also an honor student, the only thing you may have heard about it was that he's just another part of the statistics regarding violent crimes in Chicago. That's right, the media would not talk about it. Why? Watch this, though, you will understand where this is going. September 30, 2009 - Glenn Beck's most special 20 minute segment, Part 1 How could you not absolutely love this guy? Have you ever thought about the fact that he could stick out his neck far enough that Fox News would terminate him? No, no, no, that could never happen. He's the best thing that ever happened for ANY cable news network. Why do you think that Our Dear Leader and his minions hate Fox News so much? If you like this video, let me know, I'll put up the other parts of it. Just remember, Our Dear Leader wants us to shut up.... He has the power to do it. Remember that,. It could happen. But I will be here with you and for you as long as I'm allowed. You are not alone. We surround them! October 01, 2009 - Dealerships Fight Back, And I'm with them all the way! It's the perfect kind of day where it would be just great to catch up on sleep. It's cold. It's raining. It is dark and dreary, and it really makes me sick to know that winter is not far away. So, why am I not sleeping and taking advantage of this opportunity to saw some logs? It is because of information like what this video is telling us about. Why do they do this to me? There is no way I could neglect to bring you this segment. This is about the assault on our rights as sovereign individuals that want to be free to produce. This is about an assault on our Constitutional rights! This, folks, is the kind of thing that we must be most afraid of should we really want to stay free. So, here I am, trying to make sure that you see this segment, rather than being between those soft clean sheets with that really warm blanket that I'm snuggled in to. Yep, that would be nice; however, the leaves haven't even started turning yet. It isn't time to go into hibernation quite yet. But that time hasn't arrived, so while I am still willing and able, I'll forgo the rest I'd love to have. What this video can tell you is just too important. Sleep will have to just wait for now. October 01, 2009 - An Incredible Hero Story - I love these! This is the kind of story that will make you feel great! And watch this: the guy is an immigrant! Is this a great country or what? The man is a hero, and he is a Patriot. He is what this country was all about since the first settlers came here over 400 years ago. October 02, 2009 - When They Come Back It's so awesome today. There is so much interesting news, like the 2016 Olympics coming to Chicago, or how about David Letterman's stupid human trick? Well, maybe this is the day to forget about all of the shenanigans, and not play their game. Let's just take a look at what went on late on Fox & Friends today when Derek Sholl sung this song for our soldiers, and one in particular. Be sure to bring your box of facial tissues... you will need it. October 03, 2009 - Always love the liberal idiots While the libs spew their vitriol, we just laugh and thank them for showing what idiots they are. Thank you, Garofalo! We're NOT racists, and we LOVE idiots! We are the mob!
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